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Two arrested in Gipuzkoa and Avilés for their links to the Islamic State | Spain

Two arrested in Gipuzkoa and Avilés for their links to the Islamic State | Spain

The spark could jump at any moment. The National Police arrested this Tuesday in Gipuzkoa and Avilés two men who are not related to each other, but whose behavior made them fear imminent danger if they decided to stop compulsively defending and sharing the postulates of the Islamic State (ISIS) on social networks to make their ideas and demonstrations a reality. The person arrested in the Basque Country, 42 years old and a construction employee, had “a high conviction of committing a violent action,” according to investigators, something that makes them think that he could receive instructions from the jihadist group’s headquarters. The Asturias investigator had spent time in prison for robbery and drug trafficking, where they believe he became radicalized. “I had thoughts of suicide,” they point out. He called for the uprising of the Muslim population of Melilla and openly expressed his hatred towards everything Western. The central investigative court number 5 of the National Court has decreed this Friday the entry of both into prison, as reported by the Police in a statement.

The man arrested in Itsadondo (656 inhabitants, Gipuzkoa) created and disseminated numerous publications in favor of ISIS and was immersed in an “advanced process of jihadist radicalization.” Among his contacts on social networks he had several jihadist profiles located in conflict zones and saw “en masse” a large amount of violent and glorifying material. In his numerous comments on social media, he praised the mujahideen and “even expressed his desire to wage jihad and become a martyr.” The man, of Moroccan origin, was very careful. He used computer programs that allowed him to navigate safely with the intention of avoiding being detected and identified by the police. He prepared and disseminated radical and violent jihadist material through social networks, which is why he is being investigated for his alleged participation in crimes of self-indoctrination and terrorist self-training. During his arrest, the agents searched his home and two vehicles in which numerous computer material that is being analyzed was seized.

The detainee from Avilés (75,518 inhabitants), also Moroccan, had been under the agents’ radar since the beginning of the year. He lived at his girlfriend’s house in the center of the city, according to sources familiar with the investigation. At that time, the agents verified how he had internalized the jihadist ideology and was very active on social networks, where he had a large number of followers to whom he sent videos in favor of jihad. In them, he openly showed his hatred towards the Western world and its way of life, and also incited certain actions, such as the Muslim uprising in the city of Melilla or comments in favor of the Palestinian cause.

Like the other arrested person, he was detained on Tuesday, and agents from the Asturias Information Brigade also participated in his investigation. His ideas of carrying out “an action of martyrdom” precipitated the operation. The agents searched two homes and seized numerous computer equipment that they are still analyzing. He is considered “in the process of radicalization” and is being investigated for self-indoctrination, self-training and terrorist glorification. With their arrest, they consider “a danger to national security” neutralized.

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