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More pressure to ban sale of homes to non-residents

More pressure to ban sale of homes to non-residents

Més per Menorca have registered a motion to the Balearic Parliament seeking to establish limitations on the sale of homes in the Balearics to non-residents.

This motion calls on the regional government (the Partido Popular) to declare a housing emergency. This could be for the whole of the Balearics, for individual islands or indeed individual municipalities.

Once declared, the sale of homes would only be to people (not originally from the Balearics) who can satisfy certain requirements. Proof would include residency certification, an employment contract or what Més per Mallorca call a long-term social link. The motion also proposes banning the sale of homes to individuals representing companies. This is because a large number of purchases are registered in the name of companies. Notaries would be obliged to warn sellers about these limitations.

Conditions for a housing emergency to be declared include an excessive rise in prices or an increase in the number of homes for tourist rental.

Spokesperson Josep Castells, pointing to a similar law in force on the Dutch island of Ameland, argues that it is essential that residents have priority in the purchase of homes in order prevent one in three houses ending up in the hands of a foreign buyer, as is the case at present. He also argues that this does not contravene European regulations as there is jurisprudence that allows limiting the free movement of goods and capital for reasons of general interest.

Castells is aware that the PP will reject the motion, but he believes that keeping the debate open is important for the future. He cites the example of the tourist tax, which the PP initially rejected but have now accepted.

Lluís Apesteguia, coordinator of Més per Mallorca, points out that his party is working on its own law to prohibit purchases by non-residents. Mercedes Garrido of PSOE believes that everything should be up for discussion, stressing that the first thing that should be done is to establish limits to rent prices.

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