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Milei wants to put “the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism with Cristina inside” and Kirchner responds: “Do you want to kill me?”

Milei wants to put “the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism with Cristina inside” and Kirchner responds: “Do you want to kill me?”

“I would love to put the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism with Cristina (Kirchner) inside.” Two years after the assassination attempt suffered by the then vice president, the expression of wishes was formulated by Javier Milei and provoked a wide series of repudiations. Even Kirchner responded to the president: “So now you also want to kill me?” he asked. “It would be good if, instead of insulting me left and right, and threatening me with my death, you would find a way so that Argentines can eat four times a day again and at home, their children can grow up healthy so they can study and progress and “The old people have their remedies to be able to live.”

The president of Argentina gave an interview to the TN television channel, which was broadcast on Sunday night. There, Milei was consulted about the internal disputes of Peronism, the main opposition force. Former President Kirchner He is running to lead the Justicialist Party (PJ) and must compete with Ricardo Quintela, governor of the northern province of La Rioja. Given this bid, the figure with the most possibilities of leading as a candidate for Peronism, the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, maintains a tense neutrality while Kirchnerism demands explicit support.

“It’s not a problem for me, it’s a problem for the opposition,” Milei responded. “Now… there is also a morbid part and that is that I would love to put the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism, with Cristina inside,” he said then. “Well, it doesn’t matter,” he said when the interviewer warned him about the impact that phrase would have. And then the ultra president attacked the media. He maintained that, regardless of what he said, they were going to criticize him. “They gave me the largest negative campaign in the history of humanity. There was strong complicity of the media and journalists openly lying for money against a person (…) 85% of journalism lies all the time, I don’t care what they say.” In his indignant diatribe, he claimed: “I have never seen those immoral people who have said that I sleep with my sister or that I sleep with my dogs ask for forgiveness.”

“Disastrous and unworthy”

The allusion to the death of Fernández de Kirchner generated a wave of repudiation from leaders of Peronism and the left, when the trial of those responsible for the attempted murder against the former presidentwhich occurred on September 1, 2022.

One of the first to speak out was Axel Kicillofgovernor of Buenos Aires: “Very serious, disastrous and unworthy of a president. How many times will we have to repudiate the hatred and violence of Milei’s words? These statements by a president against Cristina Kirchner are completely incompatible with democracy and I hope they receive repudiation from the entire political spectrum,” said Kicillof, the leader of Peronism currently best positioned to confront Milei.

“The way in which Javier Milei expresses himself with increasing hatred towards his opponents is unacceptable, legitimizing violence towards those who do not think like him,” added Quintela, Kirchner’s rival in the party elections. “President Javier Milei continues to encourage violence against Cristina Kirchner. Not only does he do it to express his fantasy of an Argentina without Peronism, but also to divert attention and hide the failure of his economic model,” said senator and former minister Eduardo de Pedro from Kirchnerism.

“We cannot tolerate this violence from the president! This hatred was what triggered Cristina Kirchner twice in the head,” said deputy Natalia Zaracho. “All the repudiation of the threatening attack launched by Milei against Cristina Kirchner,” added deputy Christian Castillo, from the Left and Workers Front.

Through his social networks, Kirchner responded to the president this Monday. “You are nervous and aggressive because all the idiotic things that you said on TV for years and still keep repeating are just that: idiotic things,” he began. In her message, the former president took the opportunity to highlight the contradictions between the campaign promises made by Milei (such as dollarization or the closure of the Central Bank) and what she has been doing since she took office last December.

“Stop threatening and learn to manage the State, because do you know one thing, Javier Gerardo Milei? Even if they kill me and not even the ashes remain of me… your Government is a failure and you as president embarrass others,” Kirchner noted. And he closed his message: “I hold you and the media that have enabled discourses of unlimited violence (which finally end with an attempted shot in the head) responsible not only for what happens to me, but to other Peronists, members of other opposition political forces and free people’s organizations.”

Aside from the rejection that Milei’s mortuary allusions aroused, his statements seem to have sought establish Cristina Kirchner as his rival and leave aside Kicillof, the governor of the main district of the country, the territory where the largest flow of Peronist votes resides.

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