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Basic keys to not be an absent father | Experts | Moms & Dads

Time is, without a doubt, one of the most important pillars when it comes to educating, but most adults lack it. The pace at which they live, trying to combine professional, family and personal life, robs them of the possibility of being present and available in their children’s daily lives as they would like. Conciliation in Spain continues to be a utopia, So being able to educate a child when both parents work is almost an impossible mission. Hyperworry, long work hours, and the speed at which tasks and responsibilities are intertwined create a lot of stress in families due to not having time for what is really important. Complying with work, household chores, and organizing doctors and extracurricular activities causes families to live without an ounce of energy and trapped in a to-do list that never gets smaller.

A terribly exhausting lifestyle that affects the physical and mental health of parents and makes it impossible for them to spend the necessary time with their children. This shortage of time for parenting It produces a constant feeling of guilt, dissatisfaction and insecurity for always living with the feeling that they are not in the place they should be. An anxiety that leads to educating with acceleration and lack of patience, which causes a lot of worry and overwhelm. A guilt that can sometimes cause one to educate themselves by overprotecting the child, trying to compensate for the time that cannot be dedicated to them.

The lack of time directly impacts the physical, mental and emotional development of the entire family. A lack of presence that especially affects the first years of the child’s life and causes a lot of uncertainty and emotional discomfort. Also can lead to inappropriate behavior At home and at school, when the child tries to get attention, he shows rebellion or opposition to rules or limits and constantly needs adult approval.

A minor who feels alone or abandoned will be an insecure and dependent child who will have many difficulties identifying, managing and sharing their emotions correctly. Will have low self-esteemdifficulties in adapting correctly to their environment and coping with frustration and mistakes. In order for him to grow up healthy and happy, he needs to share quality time with his parents, feel their protection, presence, esteem and interest in what he likes or worries about. May these become your safe place where you can find the unconditional support you need. Being able to have quality time between parents and children It is essential to establish a healthy bond based on trust, respect and love. A child with parents present in his education will feel loved, important and will show interest in sharing his life with them with more serenity.

What the youngest child needs is to grow up in a home where there is no shouting and conflicts are resolved with calm and respect.
What the youngest child needs is to grow up in a home where there is no shouting and conflicts are resolved with calm and respect.Carles Navarro Parcerisas (Getty Images)

For minors to perceive that their parents are present, it is key that families organize their tasks and responsibilities well. Establishing an equitable distribution of tasks at home will make it easier to find free moments to be able to spend time together doing activities that both adults and children like. Furthermore, it is recommended that parents avoid improvisation because this will allow for a much calmer coexistence, avoiding arguments or misunderstandings that can create discomfort at home. What the child or adolescent needs is to grow up in a home where there is no shouting and conflicts are resolved with calm and respect.

Another thing they can do is organize schedules in which all family members share their time together, such as lunch or dinner time, doing housework or homework. or share a pleasant time before going to sleep where you read a story or analyze how the day went. All this will help the child feel the warmth of his parents and develop skills and abilities.

It is important to know that when the adult spends time with the child at home, they must have their full attention on the activity they do with them. It is not necessary to make big plans because it is not about compensating for absences, but to enjoy together. In addition, the father or mother must express their affection through their verbal and non-verbal language, such as words of encouragement, kisses, hugs, caresses and knowing looks. Feeling that your parents care about everything that happens to you at school, sports training, in music classes or with your friends. A child who feels loved and accepted as he is will grow up happy and with healthy self-esteem.

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