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Moon landing at the Valentino boutique in Madrid | Madrid News

Moon landing at the Valentino boutique in Madrid | Madrid News

The store that the fashion brand Valentino has on Ortega y Gasset Street in Madrid suffered an early morning crash this Saturday. robbery with force for which a vehicle has been used, which has broken the glass of the shop window. This criminal technique is known as landing and consists of crashing the car into the establishment and taking everything possible in a matter of seconds, before the police arrive, alerted by the security alarm. The amount stolen is still being calculated, but it could range around 100,000 euros. The main target of the criminals has been the exclusive Valentino brand bags.

The events occurred around seven in the morning, when the sun had not yet risen, and the robbery happened in a matter of seconds. According to police sources, a large vehicle has crashed into the window and at least three individuals with coats and their faces covered have gotten out and entered the store to take everything possible. Agents from the Violent Crimes Group of the National Police have gone to the scene to take samples and gather clues that may lead to finding the culprits. For him modus operandiit may not be your first hit.

The cost of the stolen merchandise could be around 100,000 euros, according to a first estimate. The criminals have mainly taken bags, which they later hoped to resell through different clandestine means. The store has been left in a sorry state due to the impact of a vehicle that could be an SUV, according to initial investigations. Other efforts being carried out by the national police are tracking the vehicle used in the assault and checking whether it has been involved in more robberies. It is usually common for criminals to use a car stolen shortly before in these robberies and after the theft they burn it in some secluded place so as not to leave a trace.

The moon landing was a very common technique among thieves in the mid-2000s and the Golden Mile and its surroundings were their ideal place to operate due to the high purchasing power and the juicy loot they obtained in their establishments. In a month there could be up to a dozen assaults with this modality. This form of theft continues to occur, but to a lesser extent in recent times as a result of police pressure. Many of these aluniceros are old acquaintances of the police and their nicknames become known even to the public, such as Lousethe Tata either Miguelito.

However, there are gangs and common criminals who continue to carry out moon landings. In April of this year, for example, a gang that had specialized in committing robberies by smashing shop windows in large stores was brought down. They delivered at least thirty blows in the Community of Madrid and in different parts of the Valencian Community. In May, the Civil Guard arrested another criminal group that had specialized in beating up post offices in the Toledo area.

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