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Activision Region-Locking Black Ops 6 Prices is a Predatory Pricing Strategy Fans are Calling Out

Black Ops 6 is being called out for region-locking prices. It has recently come to light the difference in pricing for different regions, with the game being extremely expensive in some countries as compared to the others.

Activision Region-Locking Black Ops 6 Prices is a Predatory Pricing Strategy Fans are Calling Out
Black Ops 6 is being criticized for being priced differently across regions. Image Credit: Treyarch

Fans have been calling the same out after assessing prices of Black Ops 6 from different regions. It has come to light that the game is extremely expensive in Malaysia as compared to most countries.

Activision Called Out For Region-Locking Black Ops 6 Prices

Black Ops 6 in-game screenshot
Fans demand games to be priced the same across regions. Image Credit: Treyarch

Region-locking prices is not a new concept. Studios have been doing the same for a while now. Games are more expensive in some countries, while others enjoy them at lower prices. This has infuriated some fans who want standardized pricing across regions.

Games have recently become way too expensive to cater to the masses, and on top of that, the region-locking system is another massive blow. The same should not be the case since it increases discrimination and makes some of the countries appear inferior to the rest.

Region pricing is an absolute joke nowadays
byu/Fynity inpcgaming

byu/Fynity from discussion

byu/Fynity from discussion

byu/Fynity from discussion

The buying power of a country is a strong determining force for pricing games. Countries with higher buying power will see a hike in price, and countries with lower buying power will have reduced prices. However just as this system might sound in theory, it is rarely useful since people belonging to some of the financially weak countries still have a huge price tag attached to games.

There should be a standardized pricing procedure followed by all studios while releasing a game. It enables a healthy environment to flourish and decrease the boundaries based on economic hierarchy. Black Ops 6 is turning out to be a great game and people would love to have easier accessibility.

Studios Should Have A Standard Price Across Regions

Activision logo
Activision needs to come up with a more just pricing system for future games. Image Credit: Activision

There is a massive difference in pricing of Black Ops 6 in Malaysia and the USA. People who have lived in both countries shared their opinion on the matter and added to this issue that restricts the sale of the game to a large extent.

By enabling a standard pricing procedure, the studios will not only be doing a favour to the consumers but also to itself since more people will manage to buy the game, which will eventually increase its sales. However, in today’s world, there is a lot of discrimination based on economic superiority, and the gap just seems to be increasing.

By exposing the game to the mass and making it easier for them to get their hands on it, the studios will be able to reach a larger audience, which will ultimately benefit the game in the long run. What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below.

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