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Thousands of people demonstrate in Madrid against cases of corruption attributed to the PSOE Government | Spain

Thousands of people demonstrate in Madrid against cases of corruption attributed to the PSOE Government | Spain

Several thousand people attended this Sunday in the Plaza de Castilla, in the northern part of Madrid, a rally against the PSOE Government and the cases of corruption attributed to it, called by the Platform for Constitutional Spain, which brings together a hundred associations in the orbit of the right and the extreme right. The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and several members of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s PP leadership have joined the rally, such as the deputy secretary of Organization, Carmen Fúnez, and the spokesperson in the Senate, Alicia García. The Government Delegation in Madrid has estimated 25,000 attendees. Both Abascal and Fúnez have taken advantage of the event to attack Pedro Sánchez’s Executive and accuse him of being surrounded by cases of corruption. Abascal has even specified that he would support a motion of censure of the PP to throw Sánchez out of La Moncloa, even with the votes in favor of Junts, but only if it is specified for that purpose and without any other type of commitment or transfer to the independentists.

The rally had been called by the Platform for Constitutional Spain, behind which are almost 80 entities and organizations from that ultra environment, among which the Freedom and Alternative Forum stands out, which includes former politicians such as Alejo Vidal-Quadras, founder of Vox, or Jaime Mayor Oreja, former Minister of the Interior of the governments of José María Aznar. Once again it has been the ultra groups that have capitalized on the protest, in which space has been reserved among the organizers for the leader of Se Acabó la Fiesta, Alvise Pérez, and the pseudojournalist and his former press chief, Vito Quiles. Other associations or entities have supported the call, such as the Foro España Cívica and Unión 78, of which the former MEP and former leader of UPyD, Rosa Díez, are part, or Pie en Pared, created by the former Madrid president, the popular Esperanza Aguirre or the former Cs deputy, Juan Carlos Girauta.

The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, stated this Sunday upon arriving at the demonstration that “there is no corruption that this Government does not practice, from the political corruption that the investiture pact represents to the corruption of minors in schools and economic corruption. ”. He then denounced that the Sánchez Government “has not stopped either before Maduro’s gold or before the applause of Hamas” and later he lamented in reference to the PP: “Others have spent all this time in which we denounced this Government, offering State pacts, agreeing with Sánchez in Europe, handing over the courts to them and agreeing to distribute the insecurity and ruin that illegal immigration brings throughout Spain.” Finally, it is when he announced that Vox will continue “in total opposition to this Government, we will do it alone or accompanied and denouncing any type of collaboration with this Government that has become an enemy of the Spanish.”

The Deputy Secretary of Organization and theoretical number three of the PP, Carmen Fúnez, supported by Noelia Núñez, also from the popular leadership, but from the Madrid PP controlled by Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the general secretary of the party in this community, Alfonso Serrano, made some statements at the beginning of the event in which she explained that They thus united in this way “the social outcry in the face of the situation to which Sánchez has led us.” He has then developed that according to his criteria the president has no choice but to leave politics and power “due to the corruption of his party, his Government and his personal environment, due to the legislative paralysis of his Executive and due to his pro-independence and pro-independence partners. Bildu who demand that he hand over the country in pieces.”

Carmen Fúnez wanted to highlight with her presence that “the time had come to give a voice to democracy and to the Spanish people because they are the ones who can respond to the need for change that our society has” in the face of what she highlighted as “the most delicate moment of our democracy” and then assured: “The change is already underway, it is already in the streets and it is absolutely unstoppable.” The popular leader has criticized Sánchez for his attacks on justice and the judges who are investigating “his environment, his family, his party and his Government” and then demanded that he “act like a democrat, that he respects the Constitution and the separation of powers.

Although the organizers have complained that the Government Delegation had forced them to change the location of the event – the previous ones were held in the Plaza de Cíbeles, more central -, one of the speakers, the former Ciudadanos deputy and patron of ultra media , Marcos de Quinto, celebrated being next to the courts “through which many of the members of Sánchez’s gang who are not registered are going to parade”, at which point the attendees began to shout “Pedro Sánchez to prison!” . The Government Delegation in Madrid has reported that according to its calculations, around 25,000 people had attended the event.

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