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Daily Horoscope for October 21, 2024 – Hartford Courant

Daily Horoscope for October 21, 2024 – Hartford Courant

General Daily Insight for October 21, 2024

We’re discerning intuition from fear. With the intuitive Moon conjoining explorative Jupiter at 3:25 am EDT, we can expect our fortunes to improve as we follow our adventurous spirit. Still, our emotions may be a bit over the top. Additionally, the Moon picks a fight with confusing Neptune, making it yet more difficult to tell anxiety from insight. Thankfully, we will be supported by the Moon trining the confident Sun, inviting us to follow the feeling of excitement with fewer worries. Trust the brightest voice within!


March 21 – April 19

Say what is true to you. Today, you might be presented with an opportunity to express yourself in a way that you weren’t able to before. However, there may be an element of risk in your words as you put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid to speak what is genuinely in your heart, because you’re more likely to regret what you don’t do rather than what you do. Live your life in a way that eliminates regrets, because at least you’ll know you tried.


April 20 – May 20

You could be taking a risk to create security. It may sound paradoxical, but sometimes you have to let go of something before you receive what you’ve been seeking. Your efforts matter more than ever! Don’t listen to naysayers who tell you that your dreams are too lofty. It’s up to you to find that sweet spot, where you remain comfortable enough to relax on occasion, but not so stagnant that you feel stuck. Make room for this balance in your life.


May 21 – June 20

It’s all about what you feel. Felicity comes from within right now, which can be daunting — you’ll probably need to make certain decisions on your own. There may be no handbook for figuring out what exactly you want out of the day and life in general. You’re making it up as you go along, and even when that feels unsteady, it’s the path that’s most likely to take you toward success, whatever that looks like for you. Listen to yourself.


June 21 – July 22

Magic can come from unexpected places. You’re more likely to experience blessings when the universe gives them to you, because right now, life is more of a surprise party than it is an event you’re planning. Sometimes it can be scary to let what happens happen — maybe you feel like you must have control to feel safe. The more that you can surrender to the opportunities that the day provides, rather than resisting them, the more benefits you’re likely to uncover.


July 23 – August 22

Friendship currently offers adventure! You might not have expected to find new friends or run into old ones, but you’re likely about to be provided with an avenue to go have fun with them. You may struggle with worries, but instead of focusing on what might go wrong, or what others could be thinking, try to have fun and be yourself. This doesn’t mean that you should entertain yourself at the expense of others. Just don’t let insecurities stand in the way of life.


August 23 – September 22

Luck (and determination) are like spotlights on you! You could reach a wider audience or climb a rung of the corporate ladder, even as peers don’t understand your success. Perhaps some can grasp that this is just your hard work coming out of the shadows, but others believe that you don’t deserve the recognition that you’re getting. What matters is not what they think of you — what matters is what you think of yourself. Pat yourself on the back for all your hard work!


September 23 – October 22

Accessing your fortune may require stepping outside your comfort zone. You might be tempted to continue doing your average routine, especially when presented with an opportunity to venture beyond your norm. Any hesitation is understandable, but for today, it’s a good idea to chase this opening. Remind yourself that you can always return to your routine tomorrow, but you’ve got a chance to upgrade that routine, making it a little closer to your dream life. Take a break from the everyday cycle.


October 23 – November 21

Someone can give you the support that you need. This person could be a business partner, a benefactor, or a friend. Whoever they are to you, they should believe in you and want to support your vision for the future. It won’t come out of nowhere — you’ll likely paint the picture of your goals for them. A clear plan of your vision and of what efforts you will put in should help you manifest the outcome that you’re seeking. Swing for the fences!


November 22 – December 21

The past might be blocking your future. You may have had a negative experience that left you shying away from certain activities. Avoidance likely felt like the safest option, while people in your life are potentially encouraging you to get back to what you used to enjoy. Instead of allowing this to continue to be an obstacle in your path, or a forbidden zone that you can’t enter, try and see if time has healed those wounds. You never know until you try.


December 22 – January 19

Trust in what you worked so hard on. Your continued efforts have likely provided you with knowledge, experience, and a love of what you do, but someone may cause you to doubt yourself sooner rather than later. While their careless words or actions could have put you on your back foot, right yourself, stand up tall, and remember that you know what you’re doing. They’re probably just judging your book by its cover, while you know the full story. Have faith in yourself!


January 20 – February 18

You may be taking a calculated risk. This could be something you’ve been thinking about for a while — after all, you wouldn’t step out onto a tightrope unless the ground you’re on is no longer safe for you. You might feel as though you aren’t secure enough to make the leap, but you’ve likely prepared more than you thought. Whether you’re expressing an opinion to someone after ages holding it in or choosing to invest in yourself, don’t hold back any longer.


February 19 – March 20

Following your heart isn’t just for fairytales. When your soul is clearly pulling you in a certain direction, there’s no need to worry that it’s not “you” enough. Instead, listen to that voice inside you. When did you start putting yourself in a box, one that prevents you from trying different things or developing newfound interests? Instead of walling yourself off, make like a detective and learn more about what’s intriguing you. You never know what might become your favorite place, person, or hobby!

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