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Campaign to curb incivility in Palma

Campaign to curb incivility in Palma

At its last meeting, Palma’s Paseo Marítimo (sea front) Commission took on board a series of petitions aimed at increasing the presence of the Local Police in the area, as well as initiating a civic awareness campaign to curb uncivic behaviour. In addition, according to a press release from Palma City Council, the current number of bollards in certain areas will also be increased.

The town planning councillor, Óscar Fidalgo, said that at the last meeting of the Commission, the problems suffered by the area were addressed. With the aim of reinforcing security, it was agreed that from 10pm until 6am on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and the eve of public holidays, the area will be provided with a permanent patrol of police officers to ensure coexistence, depending on the availability of police officers.

This measure will be accompanied by an intense civic-mindedness campaign in the area. Another of the neighbourhood and business requests refers to the shortage of public car parks due to the building works that are being carried out. Fidalgo pointed out that the Commission has given the go-ahead to provide the CLH car park with greater security and easier access in order to make more use of it and to enable shuttle buses to be provided from this park-and-ride car park to the centre of Palma.

In addition, bollards and bollards will be installed at the entrances to private car parks or in conflictive areas. Another of the issues addressed and on which there has been consensus is the opening of calle Monseñor Palmer in both directions as soon as possible, always taking into account the state of the works.

Finally, the green light was given to create a joint commission with the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sports to study the possibility of including the Paseo Marítimo in the scope of application of the decree of responsible tourism and improvement of the quality of tourist areas. The head of Town Planning recalled that this commission was created by the mayor, Jaime Martínez, with the aim of seeking solutions to minimise the problems generated by the remodelling work on the Paseo Marítimo. For this reason, the commission, made up of residents, businesspeople, the Port Authority and all of Cort’s departments, meets periodically to tackle and solve the problems that arise in this area of Palma.

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