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Daily Horoscope for October 28, 2024 – Hartford Courant

Daily Horoscope for October 28, 2024 – Hartford Courant

General Daily Insight for October 28, 2024

Perspective isn’t easy to gain. The emotional Moon squares expansive Jupiter, blowing emotions out of proportion and making it hard to know how much is too much. When dynamic Mars trines creative Neptune at 8:31 pm EDT, we can think and act outside the box — as long as we’re careful not to overstep boundaries. When perfectionist Venus argues with critical Saturn, it can feel like our efforts just aren’t good enough, but this isn’t true. Sometimes it’s better to be kind than perfect.


March 21 – April 19

Added struggles could become difficult to balance. You might have already had a very full to-do list going into today, and any extra tasks or hindrances put on your list may feel like the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Working to keep everything running by coming up with creative solutions is admirable, but it might not be sustainable. Something will probably have to wait till tomorrow. After all, you’re only one person, and you can only get so much done in one day!


April 20 – May 20

Insecurity can embolden risky behavior. You may feel as if someone is putting you down or leaving you behind, and this could tempt you to lash out at them or try to sabotage the connection in some way. While it could seem like a good idea in the moment, this is likely something that you would regret later. Is this connection really something that you’re willing to throw away over one dispute? Making an effort to work things out will probably be worth it.


May 21 – June 20

What’s left unsaid goes unheard. You might be feeling left out or like no one is listening to you, but it may be that you were expecting others to understand how you were feeling without actually expressing yourself to them. Maybe you’re struggling to communicate your feelings in the same way that you can communicate about everything else or disguising your real emotions with humor. Don’t force your loved ones to look below the surface — go ahead and spell it out.


June 21 – July 22

A lack of boundaries can entrap you in places you don’t want to be. You deserve better than people who’d enlist you to work for them with no repayment, especially if their demands are eating into time that you should devote to your hopes and dreams. There may be a side of you that wants to help and give anything you can, but some people will take and take until there’s nothing left. Learn to discern such freeloaders from the ones who really care.


July 23 – August 22

Someone could trigger your insecurities. Active criticism, general complaints, or simple knowledge of a rival’s success — regardless of the specifics, jealousy probably is starting to creep into your mind. You might feel woefully underachieving or stuck in one place, but stay hopeful! As long as you’re putting in your best efforts, you can find more fulfillment in ignoring or even appreciating the achievements of others while trusting that your day is coming. It’s easier to be happy for someone who was happy for you.


August 23 – September 22

A hero of yours could let you down. You might have previously patterned yourself after them, whether they’re a family elder or a public figure, but you may be about to realize that you’re, thankfully, not much like them at all. Whether they were deceptive or just recently announced a decision that doesn’t align with your morals, you’ll know where to draw the line regarding their behavior. You can be grateful for their past inspiration, but you no longer have to follow their every lead.


September 23 – October 22

Curiosity could currently get the better of you. You might be so curious to know more about something that you overlook certain boundaries, which may end up more painful than exciting. Be leery of the temptation to snoop through someone else’s information or to look up the answers to a test when you’re supposed to be studying, as what follows would likely be disappointing, not encouraging. Stick to the straight and narrow, and don’t look somewhere you’ve been asked not to.


October 23 – November 21

Secrets will be tough to verify. You could learn factoids that are presented as hot gossip or find a leak of information that’s not supposed to come out for weeks. No matter how thrilling the chatter is in the moment, it might not provide you with the genuine truth. Instead of being excited over something you weren’t meant to know, realize that you might have to unlearn it later when it turns out to be overhyped or fake. Wait until you hear from the source.


November 22 – December 21

Emotions are running high, especially if you’re trying to hide them. You might be trying to hold it together to get through a difficult shift or on behalf of someone else who’s with you, and it can be challenging to keep how you’re feeling inside. After you’re done trying to tough it out, make sure that you carve out time to soften up and share how you’re feeling with someone else, providing space for them to do the same. Venting is great catharsis.


December 22 – January 19

A lack of consistency could block your progress. You might have been falling behind on certain good habits or your workload, and the cascading consequences of letting something like that fall to the wayside probably aren’t going to be reasonably fixable in a single day. If you have been consistent, today should be a lot easier, but you could encounter obstacles in the form of competition or hidden enemies. Take this as a sign to get back on course if you need to!


January 20 – February 18

Making your own luck could require some clever maneuvering at the moment. You may have thought that you were doing everything that you needed to usher in abundance, but merely doing things by the book probably won’t be enough right now. You’ll have to use your innovative mind to find fresh, undiscovered ways to get ahead of the crowd, and others might not understand how you’re doing what you’re doing. Let them be confused by your methods and continue to set the trends.


February 19 – March 20

People that you care about might push your buttons today. You could struggle with your boundaries as they knowingly or unknowingly push them, and having to set them again more firmly could be uncomfortable. They may not understand where you’re coming from — while you can take the time to educate them, you shouldn’t have to. Your boundaries are yours, and if something is important to you, then your loved ones should be able to respect them. Put your foot down if you have to!

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