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Our restaurants for menjar bé and viure better this late in Barcelona | Gastronomy

If one thing has happened to Barcelona lately, it is that many people work restaurants. Surely there are also some quants, but now it is not usually news. To have some light among all the sparkle, here are some of the new gastronomic tracks that are worth keeping in mind.

Bar Canyi

We had a lifelong bar experience. Bar Canyi is the last crit of this tendency to honor the passat with the tapes and plates of always in a place that recovers in part the esperit of the setanta, both examples of TBO and Jaimito penjats to the walls. In this case, the architects of recovering the most renowned gastronomy are Francesc Beltri and Nicolás de la Vega, who provide the comfort of working in a restaurant with a Michelin star and tasting menu with Slow & Low. We will serve Russian salad on a Duralex plate or a fricandó with vaixella de l’àvia, plus a cua de bou burger. I also tried amanides, fregits, escabetxos and some desserts, with a flamet that the angels sang. Pel que fa al beure, beneren els vins de

Carrer Sepúlveda, 107, Barcelona

933 30 23 07

Obert from dimats to dissabte

Price: 20-30 euros


The bar is the protagonist Glug, another addition to the frenetic rhythm of overtures to the city. It is on Paris Street, bordering Viladomat, and guests are invited to the bar, with drums on both sides, to follow the show that is between the kitchen and the living room. Directed by a Català, Ivan Garcia, and an Italian, Beatrice Casella, their origins are found in many dishes, such as croquettes de macaroni de l’àvia or les olives de pollostre a la Catalana. But I also tried a fattening soup with buttons like the other. pâté en croûte. The vi hi te has a very presence, they have small projected vi handles of minimal intervention or naturals. In fact, from here you see his name, which is a reference to the onomatopoeia of a glop.

Carrer Viladomat, 289 / Carrer PArís, 77, Barcelona

747 74 79 29

From Dijous to Diumenge

Preu mitjà: 30-40 euros

Fábula Bar

It’s only a few months that the Fábula Bar Putxet bets on elaborate entrepans and some classic tapes such as la russa, les croquetes or la gilda. The idea here is to snack on something at any time or eat a piece more on the pan with some of the other sandwiches. Some examples of how they spend: roast beef with crunchy ceba and béarnaise sauce; tired viada, carabassó in misso i poma; Milanese black angus i maiokimtxi. If you stay, you both win and have Casolane desserts, based on carob and peanut alfajor; fruit meringue or banana split. It will cost us three to triar!

Ronda General Miter, 243, Barcelona

Obert every day

Price: 12-20 euros

Pizza Parking

A pizza from Parking Pizza.
A pizza from Parking Pizza.

Pizza Parking doesn’t stop The cinquè location in Barcelona has just been inaugurated, on València street, now after the exit of the original, on London street, and those who are coming soon, on Sant Joan pass, on Marinon pass and on Gran Via. Furthermore, in the last few months they have terrorized Madrid with both pizzerias. In a large space, 430 square meters, the new restaurant preserves the essence of the group, with large taules to share and its six classic cart drums with forats to keep the jacket and the boss. The menu is practically the same, but here there are some novelties with the tonnato vitello among the starters. Furthermore, at the entrance there is a cocktail area to extend the stay.

Carrer Valencia, 300, Barcelona

935 63 87 44

Preu mitjà: 20-30 euros

Rafuel House

The potato trout from Casa Rafuel.
The potato trout from Casa Rafuel.Gianluca Battista

Rafuel can use sona because it has become a influencer of success thanks to the six easy and succulent recipes, which have enchanted and motivated young people. Ara has brought all his knowledge to a restaurant, which is not what I could say otherwise. Rafuel House, a lloc dedicated to the cuisine of always. Hi trobareu from croquettes fins to potato trout, Russian salad, macaroni or mandonguilles. They also have a wide range of bikinis, so they are also ideal for having fun or partying. With a large terrace, it is an ideal place to spend time with your family and to have everyone in your apartment.

Carrer Còrsega, 238, Barcelona

Obert every day with the kitchen without interruption

Preu mitjà: 18-20 euros

Achaar Bar

Ben confitat is brand new Achaar Bar, a new local that is defined as an Indian cantina and bar of natural wines. Rere hi ha two Germans of Pakistani origin, Majid and Mani Alamconeguts to Barcelona to carry delicacies of its origin – they are the mateixos that hi has darrere of Baby Jalebi, molt recomanable also- or d’altres llocs -also have The Fish and Chip Shop either Antonia’s Burger. Parlem de confitats because això means the paraula that donates nom to the premises, and they confit and ferment on all vegetables and fruits, but also fish and meats. With exotic recipes they prepare dishes that can be sweet, bitter, acidic and spicy and transport you to another world. The place is simple, with walls of exposed work and taules of whips. All the complexity is on the platform.

Carrer Pere IV, 89, Barcelona

931 68 11 17

Obert from dilluns to dissabte

Preu mitjà: 30 euros

I will go down

Al Koh s’hi menjava de nassos, but hi they billed an author’s cuisine with Asian influences that leads a mica mitjà ticket. After a successful stage the blinds will be lowered to renew with a I will go downBoth the responsible mateixos and cooks, who have decided to create a cuisine more appropriate to the neighborhood, are in this unique white hut in Poblenou. The influences of other cuisines continue to be present and also the will to create healthy meals. However, most of the dishes are vegetarian, especially the starters, considering that they also have animal protein, as well as the vegetables cooked with rattan. They only work to spend money and dinars. Un lloc per anar-hi sovint.

Carrer Pujades, 133, Barcelona


Esmorzars i dinars from dilluns to divendres

Preu mitjà: 20 euros

House Güell

We continued to Poblenou, but to House Güelland a new restaurant that follows the good Marx of Catalan cuisine. In the kitchen, Jordi Lloberol, with a long career defending the xup-xup. Here you will be happy if you like to suck so that the Cullera plats are not as many and more so as to measure that the Fred goes to bed. Capipota, cigrons with bacallà, peus de porc, mandonguilles with sèpia, cargols with pernil or a tonyina with Catalan sauce. Ben Casolans are all the sofregits and funds, and the canelons are a daily fan, with everyone who supplies the kitchen. If you want to locate it, it is on the other side of the Becket room, and they have a terrace on the front. For desserts, we didn’t miss the flam.

Carrer Castella, 1, Barcelona.

936 43 43 84

From dimecres to diumenge

Preu mitjà: 30-40 euros

Lluritu 3

The nou Lluritu arrossos tea.
The nou Lluritu arrossos tea.

The third Lluritu It’s a reality. A new casual seafood restaurant has opened on Passeig Sant Joan, with great novelties: rice to share and a pleasant terrace. We could say that each time the Lluritu has become more and more like a classic seafood restaurant, but in this sense, neither snobbery nor preus that they end up going to the infinite. The intention is that you can buy fish dishes for around 40 euros, but the ticket can always be bid based on the fish or seafood that is desired.

Passeig Sant Joan, 72, Barcelona
933 34 22 73
Obert from dimecres to diumenge
Preu mitjà: 40 euros


Sushi from the Japanese restaurant Arko.
Sushi from the Japanese restaurant Arko.MoneoMoneo (MoneoMoneo)

For those who always need a Japanese new to your radar, it has been inaugurated very few Arkoon Enric Granados street. With a place that plays l’spectacularitat, with bullfights and artisan vaixelles, the benvinguda donates a large fish tank visible from the outside. It’s not an intimate cry, but rather one of those Japanese people who are likely to annoy both groups and bother them. Sushi is one of the great protagonists, made with fresh products and koshihikari rice, amanit with vermell wine vinegar that gives it a more vermell tone. The presentation of the dishes is as important as the quality, and the garnishes arrive in entrees with the pork katsu curry croquette and the woke squid, along with the varied tempures, the Kobe beef or the Australian Wagyu. If you have a good group and you can rent privately, they have a reservation for 12 people.

Enric Granados, 63, Barcelona

938 29 95 72

Cuina open every day from 1:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Preu mitjà: 65 euros

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