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Kody Brown’s Love Story With Robyn Ending in a Disaster Will Bring a Lot of Joy to One Person in ‘Sister Wives’ Who Hates Kody’s 4th Wife

The Brown family has had a shaky experience for quite some time after the tension brought by Kody Brown’s divorce from his three ex-wives and now, his challenging relationship with his fourth wife Robyn. As a huge family, it’s quite difficult to manage it all, more specifically the father’s relationship with his children.

Kody Brown’s Love Story With Robyn Ending in a Disaster Will Bring a Lot of Joy to One Person in ‘Sister Wives’ Who Hates Kody’s 4th Wife
Credits: Kody Brown in Sister Wives / TLC

Kody and his son, Paedon, have long been estranged from one another. After his divorce from his third wife, Christine, the son mostly supported his own mother. Robyn’s involvement created more strain on the already complicated dynamics of the once-polygamous family.

Robyn and Kody Brown’s Marriage is in Great Danger

It has been reported that Kody Brown and Robyn are experiencing conflicts with each other with the fourth wife seemingly sabotaging the marriage. She has not been pleased with how things were turning out, especially after Kody’s divorce from his three previous wives. Robyn loved the idea of a huge polygamous household, but her dreams of having such a life had been crushed.

Another reason why chaos ensued inside the Browns’ domestic life is Paedon’s bizarre relationship with Robyn’s kids. They never got along well since the beginning and the 26-year-old lad admitted he had been rude to his stepsiblings because he seemed to notice that their father did things for them that he never did for him.

kody and robyn brown sister wives
Credits: Kody and Robyn Brown in Sister Wives / TLC

After the death of Garrison Brown, one of Kody’s children, many expected it would be a lesson learned for the patriarch to motivate him and work on his responsibility as a father. This ended up being a lost hope.

With the looming possibility of Kody and Robyn’s divorce, it might be a way to repair Paedon’s relationship with his father. A report from The Sun seemingly hints at the massive prospect that there’s no hope in fixing their marriage after an insider claimed the couple is unhappy and not doing well.

He’s completely changed. He’s angry and he’s volatile, and he doesn’t like anybody that’s not worshiping him.

In one of Sister Wives’ trailers, Robyn told Kody that she’s slowly losing respect for him, with the latter being heard shouting at his wife. They have been together for 14 years now, and it seems the end of their marital bond is nearing.

Paedon Brown Blames Robyn for the Destruction of His Family

paedon brown sister wives
Credits: Paedon Brown in Sister Wives / TLC

Paedon truly believes that Robyn is the culprit who ruined the Brown family. Before she became the fourth wife, the polygamous unit enjoyed their time together under one roof. The young man did not like how Robyn only thought of her own self and seemed oblivious to the family’s struggles.

If Kody and Robyn ever come to a decision to end their marriage, Paedon is certainly the first one to celebrate. He had seen his mother, Christine, beg for her ex-husband’s love and attention for many years, and this might have been the root cause of his hatred towards Kody’s fourth wife.

Sister Wives is currently available to watch on TLC.

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