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New York
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Miss Manners: It’s a great club, except for the harassment, embezzlement

Miss Manners: It’s a great club, except for the harassment, embezzlement

DEAR MISS MANNERS: For several years, I have been in a prestigious club that helps children. In that time, I have been ridiculed about almost anything I do. I am talked about because my clothes, hair, eyebrows, etc., are a bit nicer than the other women’s. The men usually just sit and listen, but now some of them are joining in.

I was on the electoral board for a time, and found out that many things this group does are wrong. When I found out they were also cooking the books, I got off the board. I do not want to get involved with the IRS.

Once, a club member followed me into a restaurant where I was eating and made a pass at me. I refused and he retaliated, trying to get me in trouble with the board members.

My common sense tells me to leave this group, but my heart tells me to stay and help because I enjoy volunteering to help others. My plan now is to stay with the international group but move my name off this local club’s roster. Any advice?

GENTLE READER: What, exactly, is prestigious about this collection of louts, harassers and embezzlers?

Please assure Miss Manners that they in no way interact with the children they purport to help.

Sorry, but she does not buy your excuse for not quitting. If you don’t want to expose these prestigious folks, you could just look around for an honest charity. There is no shortage of children who could use help.

Please send your questions to Miss Manners at missmanners.com, by email to [email protected], or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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