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Astro Bot: Frozen Meal Collectible Locations

The Frozen Meal collectible locations in Astro Bot are hidden in some of the most frigid crevices of the level. But don’t worry, we’re here to ensure you are never too cold from the spots where these bots and puzzle pieces can be found in the adventure!

It’s one of the more hectic Astro Bot levels, and the Frozen Meal collectable locations are often hidden by the ample amounts of snow. You will need to use all of Astro’s abilities to make sure you can find these Feather Cluster collectible locations.

Frozen Meal Collectible Locations: Puzzle Piece #1

Astro Bot: Frozen Meal Collectible Locations
The first puzzle can be acquired by breaking the snowman. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The first puzzle piece in the game can be found right at the landing site. Once Astro Bot crashes down into the level, do a 180 and run back up the hill. As you come up to the crest of this hill, you will spot a snowman sitting on the left side of the archway.

Punch the snowman and then tug on the exposed cable switch to reveal the first of many Frozen Meal collectible locations in Astro Bot.

Puzzle Piece #2

Astro skating along the ice to get to the second puzzle piece in the game.
Skate your way over to the pile of rocks and then get ready for some quick jumping. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The second puzzle piece in the level can be found after you descend the icy slope toward the warp portal. While this portal will be taken away by the giant snowman, much like how Uber-Foe does this in Orbital Blitz, you should first look to your right to get the next puzzle piece.

On the right, you will spot a small tower of rocks. Knock these over and pull on the cable to reveal the little ice flat in the distance with a seal bot and the puzzle piece. Use the open croc bot mouths to hop over to this island and get to one of the Frozen Meal collectable locations. You can then use the trampoline to get back to the main platform.

Puzzle Piece #3

Astro using this leg thrusters to get onto an ice platform.
The last puzzle piece in the level will require a bit of patience and timing. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The final puzzle piece in the level can be found pretty easily, but getting to it can be a bit difficult. After getting past the gauntlet of enemies and using the flower hover gadget, you will reach a platform with a checkpoint. The moment you approach the edge, three moving ice blocks will appear from below.

The last ice block has the puzzle piece, but it’s rotating in a different direction compared to the first two platforms. You will have to wait for the side with the Astro Bot puzzle piece to come up the right way before jumping on the platform and grabbing the puzzle piece.

Frozen Meal Collectible Locations: Bot #1

Astro standing in the snow as two enemies approach him.
You can access the ledge on the right by defeating the enemy in the center. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

As you cross the first gap in the level using the open mouths of croc bots, you’ll come upon a circular arena with snow in the middle. Two enemy bots will chase after you while a larger one stands in the circle’s center. There is also a ledge on the right-hand side of the arena.

Deal with the two smaller bots, and then you can focus on taking out the larger enemy. On defeating him, you will expose another pullable cable switch. Grab and pull on this to get the flower gadget you have used in other levels to get more collectibles. Use the flower to ascend the ledge on the right and find your first bot of the game, Gifted Soul.

Bot #2

Astro standing at the end of a snowy platform and about to jump onto an ice block.
The second of the Frozen Meal collectible locations is at the very last island on the left. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

Once you drop back down from getting the first bot, move over to the archway at the end of the arena, and you’ll quickly spot the second bot on the island to your left.

You’ll need to navigate the slippery ice floes and deal with some of the enemies rushing towards you. Use the open croc bot mouth to get over to the ice island with the bot being circled by the penguin and punch him to make him join your team.

Bot #3

Astro Bot standing on slippery ice and looking at an archway through which he must turn left for the next collectible.
The third of the Frozen Meal collectible locations can be seen on the platform on the left. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

On the platform from where your warp portal is first stolen by the snowman, look to the left, and you’ll spot a large metal structure with several levels, two enemies, and a bot at the very top. This is the next bot to get in the game and can be reached by deftly jumping over the floating ice blocks.

Be quick so that the ice rushing past doesn’t get crushed and leave you in the water. Once on the metal structure, defeat the two enemies and climb the ladder to get the Sam bot added to your party.

Bot #4

Astro tugging on a rope cable to access an explosive to get a collectible.
Yank on this cable switch and you’ll have a lot of firepower in your hands. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

Head back over the floating ice blocks shaped like fruit and fish and get to the other end from where they originate. Follow along the path until you come to a trampoline and access the area above. Here, you’ll be in deep snow, and two spinning-blade enemies will rush at you.

After taking them out, clear the snow around the center of the arena and expose the cable switch. Tug on this cable to get the dynamite stick and throw it against the giant block of ice to free the bot inside, and it’s not the only time you’ll need to use firepower to help a fellow bot.

Bot #5

Astro walking through the snow towards a metal platform that has a ledge below it.
Drop down from this metal section with an explosive in hand to break the ice wall. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

You’ll have to pick up another explosive from the same cable you used to get the fourth Frozen Meal collectible location. Grab one and quickly head over to the left side of the snowy arena. Drop down when you see the metal plate, throw the explosive against the ice wall and use your spin attack over the glowing X to drop down into the crevasse.

Down here, you will see several electrified enemies and a thin ice floor that crumbles when you skate over it. Avoid the enemies or take them out using your leg lasers and skate a circle around the central pillar. This will cause the pillar to fall into the water, and you can then get the Conner bot to join your part.

Bot #6

Astro walking through an archway and about to skate along the surface of a frozen pond.
First go to the platform on the right, and then head to the ledge on the left. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

For the sixth of the Frozen Meals collectible locations, Astro will need to be a bit light on his feet. After traversing the ice blocks and using the trampoline to get up to the platform, you will see a frozen pond with a rope switch on the right and a ledge on the left.

As soon as you touch the ice, enemies will start to swarm you, so make sure to deal with them first. Then, grab the rope switch and tug on it to get the flower hover gadget. Take this over to the ledge on the left and use it to get to the top. Here, you’ll find the second last bot of the level.

Bot #7

Astro walking towards a bot friend that is buried upside down in the snow.
The final bot in the level is the easiest to find! | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The last bot in the level can be found after defeating Frigid Frosty. If you’re having difficulty taking down this massive snowman, we’ve created a detailed guide that should help you bring the heat to this boss.

Once he is defeated, the final bot will be buried upside down in the snow in front of you. Give him a quick hit, get him to join your band, and then you can use the warp portal to leave the level.

Frozen Meal Collectible Locations: Lost Galaxy

Astro walking through a thick blanket of snow towards a platform with two penguins and a snowball.
Use the snowball on the platform on the right and all the snow around you to make it big enough to become a platform. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

To gain access to the Frozen Meals collectible locations unlocking the Lost Galaxy—Turtles in Trash—you will need to play in the snow in the area after the last puzzle piece. After taking out the two electrified enemies, grab the snowball from the penguins on the right and start to roll it around.

The ledge on the left requires a higher platform before you can access the top. By rolling this snowball around, you can make it grow to the required size and then use it to hop onto the ledge above.

Once here, tug on the rope switch and then step on the button that appears. You can then use your control to vacuum the ice blocks ahead of you to gain access to the Lost Galaxy by hanging from the rope dangling from the disco ball.

Which level has been your favorite so far? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to check out our other Astro Bot guides to get you closer to that Platinum trophy!

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