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Astro Bot: Orbital Blitz Collectible Locations

Have you been trying to track down all the Orbital Blitz collectible locations in Astro Bot? Some of them are a bit out of this world, but we’ve created a comprehensive list of where to find them and how to get them for a 100% rating!

This Astro Bot collectibles guide is going to go over the bots and puzzle pieces hidden throughout the level. Collecting these is essential to not only getting the Platinum trophy, but also unlocking the main boss locations within the game. So, let’s rocket into this level!

Orbital Blitz Collection Locations: Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Piece #1

Astro Bot: Orbital Blitz Collectible Locations
Chase down this UFO before you land on the level to get the first puzzle piece. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The first puzzle piece can be acquired the moment you start the level. As Astro Bot is gliding into the level on his controller ship, a small UFO appears in front of him with a puzzle piece dangling below it.

The ship will be taunting you while leading you through some moving obstacles. Avoid these obstacles and then ram into the UFO to get the first puzzle piece before you land in the level and get ready to explore.

Puzzle Piece #2

Astro standing in front of a drop with electrified panels and a puzzle piece below.
The second puzzle piece requires some expert timing and Boosting in Astro Bot. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The second puzzle piece in the level can be found right after you get the fourth bot and after dealing with the two buzzsaw enemies. There will be a drop ahead of you with an electrified floor and the puzzle piece hovering right above it.

The trick to getting this is the Rooster Booster, as is the case with several other levels in the game. You will need to drop down to get the puzzle piece and then immediately boost yourself back up before touching the floor. Use your leg thrusters to slow your descent and earn yourself an extra second to use the Booster.

Puzzle Piece #3

Astro Bot using his leg thrusters to get onto a platform with an interactable handle.
The last of the Orbital Blitz collectible locations can be found by pulling this handle. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The last puzzle piece can be found towards the end of the level. Astro Bot will need to walk up a wall and then jump off of it onto a bouncy platform. However, instead of bouncing forward, turn around and bounce back towards a wall, and you will land on a platform with a handle.

Grab the handle and use the Rooster Booster to yank up the hidden storage compartment below and gain access to the final puzzle piece of this level. After this, you’ll have to face Uber-Foe, and we’ve broken down the best way to take out this floating boss.

Orbital Blitz Collection Locations: Bots

Bot #1

Astro Bot entering the level and seeing the first bot on the floating island.
The first bot of the level can be found on the floating island in the top right corner of this image. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The first bot in the level can be found right after you land and progress just a bit in the level. You will have to jump across a couple of floating platforms until you come upon a revolving platform that looks like a satellite.

You’ll need to time your jumps to make sure you can reach one of the early Orbital Blitz collectible locations. The bot is located on the floating island on the right, and you will need to jump on the non-electrified sections of the revolving platform to bounce up to the island and grab the bot.

Bot #2

Astro using his leg lasers as his jumps off a glass bridge to move to the platform below.
Find the next bot by dropping down the blue well on the right. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The next bot will require you to make quite a bit of use of the newly acquired Rooster Booster. This backpack is the same that you used to complete the Lady Venomara boss fight, and it helps you rocket upwards to reach new heights and activate switches.

To get to the second bot, jump to the left side of the above bridge and head to the cluster of blue stars on the platform below. Here, you’ll see a grabbable handle that you can hold and then use your Booster to open the hatch and drop down.

Once you reach the lower area, you will be presented with two switches. Step on the switch to the right first, and it will deactivate the gravity in the area, allowing you to then grab the handle and use your Booster to pull up a section of the floor. Step on the switch on the left to once again activate the gravity, and then grab the exposed cable in the platform you yanked up.

This switch will provide you with a magnet that you can use to collect all the metal shrapnel around you. Once you have a sizable amount, Booster up onto the central platform and then chuck the metal ball against the target on the wall. The bot will be hiding behind this wall.

Bot #3

Astro jumping towards a tree with purple fruit to get the next hidden bot in the level.
Make sure you jump onto the purple fruit to get the next bot before leaving this area! | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

Once you’re out of the zero-gravity area and back in the main level, climb back up on the other side of the bridge from where you dropped for the previous bot. Here, you’ll find a snake enemy similar to those in the Trapped in Time level, and you can use your Rooster Booster to grab the tail and dispatch it while accessing the area above.

Before you move on though, turn around to the tree with purple fruit/leaves and jump towards it. Use the bulbous purple growths as platforms and Boost Astro Bot up to the floating car next to the top branch of the tree. This is the next of the Orbital Blitz collectible locations for a new bot.

Bot #4

Astro bot standing in front of a buzzsaw enemy and ready to take it out to get to the next bot.
Take out the buzzsaw enemy, walk through the hole in the wall, and then boost up. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The next bot on the list comes after a fair bit of platforming. Be careful with how you time the usage of the Booster, as many of the spinning platforms could result in having to start the run from the checkpoint again and lead you to get a bit annoyed with finding this Orbital Blitz collectible location.

After a bit of progress, you’ll come across what appears to be a section of a large space station. The perspective will shift to a side-scroller, and there will be an enemy that you must use the spinning attack on to dispatch.

Two buzzsaw enemies will appear after breaking the wall panels behind you. Take out the first one by using your laser thrusters to stun it, then punch it. Walk through the hole it created and then use your Rooster Booster to launch upwards and grab the next bot on the platform.

Bot #5

Astro breaking through a glass wall to jump outside of the hallway.
Break this glass, jump out, and immediately use the Rooster Booster to climb atop this hallway. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The next bot is found right after you open the large zipper and enter the hallway with three buzzsaw enemies going up and down the length of the room. Take out the one on the left, and then start to punch the glass. You’ll see you can clear a route for yourself through here.

Angle Astro Bot to jump forward out of this hole, and then use your Booster to get on top of the hallway structure. You will find the fifth Orbital Blitz collectible locations for the new bot here.

Bot #6

Astro bot standing atop a metal structure and looking at a planet with a green ring around it and a bot standing atop it.
The second to last bot is on top of the planet with the green ring around it. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The next bot can be spotted right as you come to the end of the walkway from where you got the fifth bot. It’s jumping and moving on a small planet on the left of the screen, surrounded by a bright green ring. To get to this area, drop down, and a revolving satellite will appear with a large enemy swinging a massive chain.

Get onto the center platform and take out the enemy before Boosting up to the green rail around the planet. Make Astro Bot Ride this rail to the end, where it tilts upwards, and then hop off sideways onto the planet and get the next bot.

Bot #7

Astro leaping off a ledge to find the final bot hidden in the level.
The final bot can be found by leaping off this edge to the metal platform on the right of Astro Bot. | Credits: YouTube – WoW Quests

The last of the Orbital Blitz collectible locations can be easy to miss! After you jump off the satellite from the previous bot, you will be met by two enemies: a snake and a nut bot. Take them both out and then move to the left-hand side of the platform.

You will notice a metal ledge, and you can jump across to it. Once there, you will be faced with a large cloth that can be zipped down once you Boost to the top. Doing so will free the UFO holding the last bot captive.

Go back to the previous area, and the UFO will come around as well, floating to the left and right along the electrified platform. Use the moving safe zone to line up with the UFO and then give the bot a quick punch to get it to join your crew.

Which level have you found to be the most interesting so far? Let us know in the comments below and check out our other Astro Bot collectibles guides to ensure your Platinum trophy is secured!

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