26.6 C
New York
Friday, September 20, 2024

Henry and Houston counties under a flash flood warning until Saturday night

On Saturday at 8:09 p.m. a flash flood warning was issued by the National Weather Service in effect until 11:15 p.m. for Henry and Houston counties.

“At 8:09 p.m., gauge reports indicated heavy rain falling across the warned area. Between 2.5 and 3.5 inches of rain have fallen. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly,” according to the weather service. “An ambient weather station in Headland measured over 3 inches of rain over the past hour and a half.”

Locations impacted by the warning include Cottonwood, Headland, Dothan, Kinsey, Ashford, Cowarts, Webb, Columbia, Avon, Newville, Gordon, Barber, Pearce, Enon, Pansey, Sigma, Pleasant Plains, Lovetown and Farley Nuclear Plant.

“Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas,” explains the weather service. “Turn around, don’t drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely.”

Henry and Houston counties under a flash flood warning until Saturday night

Your guide to weather alerts: advisories, watches, and warnings

  • Flash flood warning: Take action!

A flash flood warning is issued when a flash flood is imminent or occurring. If you are in a flood-prone area, move immediately to high ground. A flash flood is a sudden violent flood that can take from minutes to hours to develop. It is even possible to experience a flash flood in areas not immediately receiving rain.

  • Flood warning: Take action!

A flood warning is declared when flooding is on the verge of happening or is already underway.

  • Flood advisory: Be aware:

A flood advisory is released when flooding is not expected to reach a severity level necessitating a warning. Nonetheless, it can still cause considerable inconvenience and, without exercising caution, potentially lead to situations that threaten life and/or property.

  • Flood watch: Be prepared:

A flood watch is issued when conditions are favorable for flooding. It doesn’t guarantee that flooding will occur, but it signifies that the possibility exists.

Weather service flood safety guidelines: Weathering the storm

In flood-prone regions or while camping in low-lying areas, understanding and following the weather service flood safety guidelines can be a lifesaver:

Move to higher ground:

If you reside in a flood-prone region or are camping in low-lying terrain, the first step to safety is relocating to higher ground.

Follow evacuation orders:

If local authorities issue an evacuation order, heed it promptly. Prior to leaving, secure your home by locking it.

Disconnect utilities and appliances:

If time allows, disconnect your utilities and appliances. This reduces the risk of electrical hazards during flooding.

Steer clear of flooded basements and submerged areas:

Avoid basements or rooms submerged in water with electrical outlets or cords. Preventing electrical accidents is crucial.

Swift evacuation for your safety:

If you notice sparks or hear buzzing, crackling, snapping, or popping sounds, evacuate without delay. Do not enter water that may carry an electrical charge.

Stay away from floodwaters:

Never attempt to walk through floodwaters, even if they appear shallow. Just 6 inches of fast-moving water can forcefully sweep you off your feet.

Seek high ground if trapped:

Should you become trapped by moving water, reach the highest point possible and dial 911 to contact emergency services.

During heavy rainfall, there is a risk of flooding, especially in low-lying and flood-prone areas. Remember to never drive through water on the road, even if it seems shallow. According to the weather service, as little as 12 inches of rapidly flowing water can carry away most cars. Prioritize your safety by staying informed and prepared.

Driving through downpours: Safety guidelines for wet roads

When heavy rain strikes, safety is paramount. Equip yourself with these guidelines from the weather service to navigate wet roads and avoid hazards:

Beware of rapid water flow:

In heavy rain, refrain from parking or walking near culverts or drainage ditches, where swift-moving water can pose a grave danger.

Maintain safe driving distances:

The two-second rule for following distance is your ally in heavy rain. Extend it to four seconds to ensure safe spacing in adverse conditions.

Reduce speed and drive cautiously:

On wet roads, reducing your speed is crucial. Ease off the gas pedal gradually and avoid abrupt braking to prevent skidding.

Choose your lane wisely:

Stay toward the middle lanes – water tends to pool in the outside lanes.

Prioritize visibility:

Enhance your visibility in heavy rain by activating your headlights. Be particularly vigilant for vehicles in blind spots, as rain-smeared windows can obscure them.

Watch out for slippery roads:

The initial half-hour of rain is when roads are slickest due to a mixture of rain, grime, and oil. Exercise heightened caution during this period.

Keep a safe distance from large vehicles:

Don’t follow large trucks or buses too closely. The spray created by their large tires reduces your vision. Take care when passing them as well; if you must pass, do so quickly and safely.

Mind your windshield wipers:

  • Overloaded wiper blades can hinder visibility. If rain severely impairs your vision, pull over and wait for conditions to improve. Seek refuge at rest areas or sheltered spots.
  • When stopping by the roadside is your only option, position your vehicle as far off the road as possible, ideally beyond guardrails. Keep your headlights on and activate emergency flashers to alert other drivers of your position.

In the face of heavy rain, these precautions can make a significant difference in ensuring your safety on the road. Remember to stay informed about weather conditions and heed guidance from local authorities for a secure journey.

Advance Local Weather Alerts is a service provided by United Robots, which uses machine learning to compile the latest data from the National Weather Service.

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