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Monday, September 23, 2024

How do you understand ‘pro-life’ Republicans?

How do you understand ‘pro-life’ Republicans?


How does one understand those Republicans who are “pro-life”?

I can appreciate (but don’t agree with) their opposition to stopping a pregnancy that is far along because they think a viable fetus could develop into a living baby.

But for complicated questions one must consider all sides. Yes, one can believe abortion is destroying “a life,” but to continue a pregnancy if the life of the pregnant woman is in danger?

What about the mother’s life, or the lives of her other children? Doesn’t a family struggling with poverty and the ability to support its existing children, override the argument for saving a fetus? If a fertilized egg is a person, shouldn’t every miscarriage include a funeral? And how does being “pro-life” also include being against IVF or contraception?

More women had their tubes tied after Roe v. Wade was overturned

Is it consistent to say you support the life of an unborn fetus but that it’s OK for there to be assault guns easily available to dangerous people, or to oppose programs to feed hungry children, or  educate them?

“Pro-life” Republicans seem to care less for children already born. If they really cared about children’s lives, they’d come up with legislation to keep guns out of the hands of killers, before legislating against abortions.

Jesse Samuels, MD, West Hartford

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