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How Neil Patrick Harris Got Barney Stinson Role in How I Met Your Mother Reminds us of Those Awkward Early 2010s Romcoms

The early 2010s were a fantastic and experimental time for television and film, where romantic comedies took the spotlight, and quirky character-driven shows were taking off. Within that mix came How I Met Your Mother, a series that somehow tiptoed the line between humor and heartache, wrapped in a seemingly endless parade of “Legend-wait for it-ary” catchphrases. The show had an undeniable charm, but its success was by no means guaranteed from the start.

How Neil Patrick Harris Got Barney Stinson Role in How I Met Your Mother Reminds us of Those Awkward Early 2010s Romcoms
Neil Patrick Harris. Barney Stinson (image credit: CBS)

Few could predict just how iconic one of its key players, Neil Patrick Harris’s Barney Stinson, would become. His role as the sharp-dressed, overly confident, womanizing character had audiences hooked, but Harris himself wasn’t so sure about taking the role. And yet, looking back at how he landed the job, it feels like an echo of those awkward, unsure moments we all experienced.

Neil Patrick Harris’ Unlikely Audition

Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother (image credit: CBS)

In an interview with GQ, Neil Patrick Harris spoke about his first audition for How I Met Your Mother, where he wasn’t exactly bubbling with excitement. For Harris, who was seeking more steady work after a break from TV, the opportunity seemed more like an odd pitstop than a golden ticket.

After a healthy amount of time not working on TV, I thought one year that it would be a good idea to try and get some steady work, as the next chapter. Then I got an audition for this show called How I Met Your Mother, which I thought was a terrible title when you have F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Three’s Company you know, something that looks good on a cap. 

With little belief that he could actually land the role, Harris walked into the audition with a casual, carefree attitude. His previous roles, such as his unforgettable cameo in Harold and Kumar, didn’t exactly align with the image of Barney Stinson, a character originally envisioned as someone vastly different from the suited-up ladies’ man fans would come to love. The original Barney was imagined as more of a cigar-smoking, heavier-set Jack Black type.

Nonetheless, Harris decided to give it a shot, bringing his own spin to the audition. By not taking it too seriously, he allowed himself to relax and improvise. This creative freedom would prove to be a winning formula. It was Harris’ uninhibited approach, coupled with a physical dive-roll that knocked into the casting director’s desk, that made the writers reconsider what Barney Stinson could be.

Instead of casting someone resembling a cigar-chomping Jack Black, they started imagining Harris in the role, an embodiment of a slick, overconfident, and utterly delusional playboy who would go on to become one of television’s most memorable characters.

Low Expectations and Doubts About How I Met Your Mother

How I met Your Mother
A still from How I Met Your Mother (image credit: CBS)

Despite landing the role of Barney, Neil Patrick Harris wasn’t entirely sold on the show’s potential success. In fact, much like the skepticism he carried into the audition, Harris had his doubts about How I Met Your Mother even making it past the pilot stage. A lot of this uncertainty stemmed from his opinion of the show’s title.

And I thought it would just be up to the pilot and would never go cause of the title. Who names a show, How I Met Your Mother? There’s not even any rhyming to it, like a bunch of basic words, put together as a sentence, it’s not a title, but I digress. And then it like, kept on trucking. And Barney was this like crazy fun, delusional, monkey head.

It’s hard to imagine now, but in those early days, How I Met Your Mother seemed like a risky bet, especially with a title that didn’t exactly scream “instant hit.” Harris thought it lacked the catchy simplicity of other beloved sitcom titles, like F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

As the episodes rolled out, Harris found that playing Barney was unexpectedly liberating, and his character was so far removed from reality, so outrageous in his behavior, that Harris was able to throw himself completely into the role without reservation. 

What started as an audition Harris didn’t take too seriously led to one of the most iconic roles in television history. His portrayal of Barney Stinson became a defining character of the early 2010s, a time when television was transitioning into something more adventurous and character-driven. Though Harris had little faith in the show’s potential, the show proved him wrong and solidified its place in TV history. 

You can watch How I Met Your Mother on Hulu.

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