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How to Beat Space Bully Nebulax

Astro Bot has taken PlayStation 5 players to a separate colorful world, where danger awaits every step, but these don’t seem scary or gloomy. Instead, the enemies are designed with loads of fun elements. One of these bosses is Space Bully Nebulax, and this Astro Bot guide will help you understand how to defeat it.

Notably, Space Bully Nebulax is the final boss of the game, and if you have already fought the other boss, you can easily guess how much this fight is going to give you a hard time. So, if you are wondering how to beat Space Bully Nebulax in Astro Bot, we are here to help you with all the required strategies.

Astro Bot Boss Guide: Where to Find Space Bully Nebulax

How to Beat Space Bully Nebulax
The final boss in Astro Bot is going to give players a hard time. | Image Credit: Release-Fire

Before the strategies to beat the boss, let’s start with his location. Now that you are looking for Space Bully Nebulax, it means you are almost done with the game and have reached the end. So, you must have encountered bosses like Mecha Leon, with strange appearances and powers, but Space Bully Nebulax is the weirdest for sure.

To begin this Astro Bot fight, complete all main levels across the five Nebulas and return to the Crash Site, where you need to repair the PS5 mothership.

Once you are on the PS5 mothership, you will see a metal platform in front, and on it there will be a shining pink part. Approach it, and as soon as you get close to the round, pink object, the Space Bully Nebulax boss will appear. He’s the reason for all your hardships throughout the journey. 

Astro Bot Boss Guide: How to Beat Space Bully Nebulax

how to beat space bully nebulax in astro bot.
Hitting a symbol on this wheel will make players choose the power-up for the next phase. | Image Credit: Release-Fire

If you have reached the end, you have fought bosses like Wako Tako, who has multiple phases to defeat. This final boss fight also has three stages. The boss is not going to leave players, even after that.

As soon as the fight begins, you will see the round part of the boss’ spaceship gets three locks. Each phase requires you to break one lock. However, the boss won’t let you do that easily, for sure. 

However, unlike other fights, players must be a bit lucky to win this battle, as the boss will spin a wheel at the beginning of every phase and players will get a ball to hit one symbol every time. The symbol you hit will decide the power-up you will use during that phase and the attacks the enemy will launch. 

If you hit the Dog symbol, the boss pulls out a sword and starts slamming it on the PS5 mothership horizontally. Ensure you are watching the moves carefully, and avoid the attacks. Otherwise, it deals loads of damage.

When you get an opportunity, hit the sword, and the front part of it will break. The boss will keep attacking players with the sword even after that, vertically. So, another hit is required to break the sword completely. Next, as it throws the handle of the weapon, parry it, and it will hit the eyes of the enemy.

Next, if you hit the Magnet symbol, the boss will have a gun to start firing at you. However, these guns will land cannon balls. Anyway, the game will mark their landing spots, so players can avoid them easily. Use the magnet to gather these balls. Once you have enough balls, throw them at the boss, and it will eventually do a lot of damage to them. 

astro bot octopus power-ups
Use your Octopus power-ups to avoid these incoming obstacles while trying to beat Nebulax in Astro Bot. | Image Credit: AshRobson95

The next symbol is the Squid. The boss will again use a gun, but this time it will be a big fish-shaped gun to create moving obstacles. If they hit the player, damage is inevitable. So, make sure to avoid these moving objects, using your squid ability. However, at the end of these attacks, a squid rocket will come that players can activate to do damage to the enemy. 

The fourth symbol is Frog Fists, and if you hit it, the boss will bring a hammer to slam you vertically. Keep running through the entire arena to avoid the pink energy circles that the hammer releases. As soon as you get the chance, keep hitting the hammer until it is completely destroyed. Next, pull the hammer with the Frog Fists and hit it on the face of the boss. 

space bully nebulax monkey power-ups.
Pick these metal balls up and throw them to the boss, who will break his glasses. | Image Credit: Release-Fire

The final symbol in the spinning wheel is the Monkey symbol. If you choose the Monkey symbol, the boss will take out two guns and keep showering metal balls on you. While avoiding the metal ball shower, gather two of them each time and throw them at the enemy. Doing this a few times will break his glasses. 

Each time you hit the enemy, you will see Nebulax trying to protect the seals of his spaceship. Jump on the spaceship, hit his fingers, and break one seal. Doing this during all three stages will break all three seals and end the fight temporarily.

A few seconds later, once again Space Bully Nebulax will appear when all the bots celebrate the victory. This time, he will keep shooting objects at the players and the bots.

However, a minigun will be available to destroy those objects before they get close to the bots. Finally, he will throw a giant ship at you, and once you destroy it, it will hit him back. This will end the fight completely.

That’s almost everything that players should know if they are struggling to figure out how to defeat Space Bully Nebulax in Astro Bot.

Did this guide help you take Space Bully Nebulax down in Astro Bot? Don’t forget to share your opinions in the comments below!

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