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How to Unlock the Lost Galaxy Levels?

Finding hidden secrets in a game is always satisfying, especially when they’re tied to challenging levels. Astro Bot brings us the Lost Galaxy levels, and secret stages offering some of the best gameplay in the adventure.

These levels are cleverly hidden across the main galaxies. If you’re ready to uncover the mysteries of the Lost Galaxy, dive into this extensive guide on how to unlock these special levels and where to find them.

Astro Bot: How to Unlock the Lost Galaxy Levels?

How to Unlock the Lost Galaxy Levels?
Astro Bot has something for both the easy-going and challenge-seeking gamers. | Credit: Team Asobi

What exactly are the Lost Galaxy levels? In short, there are 11 secret levels scattered across Astro Bot’s five main galaxies. Within them are unique challenges that go above and beyond the regular levels.

Wormholes mark these hidden stages, and they only become accessible through secret exits on certain levels. Once you unlock a Lost Galaxy level, you’re immediately teleported out of the main stage and dropped straight into the new challenge.

In each of the five main galaxies, you’ll find two hidden wormhole entrances leading to secret levels. After you manage to unlock and complete all 10 of these levels, the 11th and final Lost Galaxy level—Final Encore—opens up for you to tackle.

Where are all the Lost Galaxy Levels in Astro Bot?

An image of Astro Bot from Team Asobi.
This guide will set you down the right path. | Credit: Team Asobi

Finding the Lost Galaxy levels takes some effort, but it’s worth it. Here’s a list of all the Lost Galaxy level locations and what you’ll need to do to access them. Whether you’re lost on how to start or looking for the entrance to just one more, we’ve got you covered.

Gorilla Nebula Lost Galaxy Levels

Az-Tech Trail: Fan Club

An image of the Az-Tech Trail Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
The Lost Galaxy level entrance is on your usual path. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

Proceed through the level as usual until you reach a large door surrounded by four flames.

Pull on the red block to the right of the door to reveal a ladybuy, and use it to jump and extinguish the torches, after which the door will unseal and reveal the entrance. Don’t leave yet, though, there are plenty of collectibles to be found on this level.

Creamy Canyon: Funky Fungi

An image of the Creamy Canyon Trail Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
Flip the ladybug, push it toward the pipe, hop on, and spin down. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

Keep ascending levels by knocking over ladybugs and using them to jump on higher platforms. Eventually, you’ll spot a lone ladybug on a circular platform filled with sand near a smaller, but taller platform with a frozen sculpture on it.

Use the pig nearby to break the sculpture, then ascend to the platform with the ladybuy, and drill into the platform to reach the entrance.

Tentacle System Lost Galaxy Levels

Go-Go Archipelago: Light Bulb Limbo

An image of the Go-Go Archipelago Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
Beat the boss, and you’ve done 90% of the work. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

After beating the area boss, head to the spot where one of its pincers landed. Spin down through this area to find the Lost Galaxy level entrance.

Downsize Surprise: Boxel Bust-Up

An image of the Downsize Surprise Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
Be careful not to fall off the branches. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

After climbing the leaves and reaching the rooftop, go left instead of right. Find a blue floor plate, glide over it to destroy the cover, and jump up.

Use your controller’s blow function to activate a frog that blows bubbles, which you can ride to the secret exit on the tree branch.

Serpent Starway Lost Galaxy Levels

Bathhouse Battle: Furnace Fever

An image of the Bathhouse Battle Trail Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
Make your way down the chimney on fire. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

When you reach an open area with a bot that spits water, absorb the water and squirt it on some sponges that are placed within a wall on the right. You can then climb them to reach a rooftop.

Absorb the water nearby, and make your way toward the path on the left, across the tops of Sakura trees. Stop in front of the chimney, extinguish its fire, and jump into it to access the Lost Galaxy level entrance.

Free Big Brother: Ghouls & Bots

An image of the Free Big Brother Trail Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
The entrance is close to the start of the level. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

After freeing the big robot, backtrack to the start of the level. Stand on the lightning bolt platforms, wait for an alien to attack with lightning, and electructe the two square platforms.

The Lost Galaxy entrance will appear behind the walls you just unlocked.

Camo Cosmos Lost Galaxy Levels

Hieroglitch Pyramid: Rocket Pull Power!

An image of the Hieroglitch Pyramid Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
This entrance requires a bit of quick wit to reach. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

At the very end of the level, go past the flagpole to the right and slam on the launch platform under the pile of gems. You’ll be launched onto another platform where you need to find the correct square to push on a wall.

When you get through, a few more walls spawn with the same mechanic. After completing the last one, you can approach the disco ball, tug the rope, and reveal the entrance.

Balloon Breeze: Danger Dojo

An image of the Balloon Breeze Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
Try not to lose wind before reaching the pot. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

After grabbing the power-up to float, backtrack across the flower and toward the edge of the platform (do not go back down the ramp). Use the ladybug to jump off the edge of the platform and float forward till you reach a pot in the sky.

Spin the wheel bot, jump to the new platform, and slash the bamboo. You’ll unlock the entrance to the next Lost Galaxy level.

Feather Cluster Lost Galaxy Levels

Djinny of the Lamp: High-Suction Hero

An image of the Djinny of the Lamp Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
The stone bricks below light up when you’re on an invisible platform. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

After defeating the Djinny, go back from the lamp and climb a few short pillars. Break the pot to locate the first of a few invisible platforms.

Jump across the invisible platforms to the other side and ride the carpet up to the secret level entrance.

Frozen Meal: Turtles in Trash

An image of the Frozen Meal Lost Galaxy levels entrance in Astro Bot.
Roll the snowball until it’s the right height to access the platform.. | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

Near the end of the level, find two penguins playing with a giant snowball. Push it over to the right spot, jump up, and pull a wire to access a machine that will help you break the wall in front. Behind that is the level entrance.

Final Lost Galaxy Level: Final Encore

An image of the Final Encore Lost Galaxy levels in Astro Bot.
Congrats, all of your hard work is about to pay off! | Credit: WoW Quests YouTube

Complete all 10 of the previous Lost Galaxy levels, and the final secret level Final Encore will automatically appear in the center of the Lost Galaxy.

Now that you know how to unlock the Lost Galaxy levels, it’s time to dive into Astro Bot and start uncovering these hidden gems.

The journey to locating the entrances of each one of these in-game might be hard and a little time-consuming, but trust us, it’s completely worth it.

Have you been enjoying Astro Bot? Are there any other parts of the game you’d like to get some help on? Let us know in the comments below!

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