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I left my job for a higher salary but now new firm won’t hire me. Help! – Karren Brady gives her career advice

APPRENTICE star and West Ham United vice-chair Karren Brady answers your careers questions.

Here, Karren gives advice to a reader who has had a new job offer rescinded after they quit their original role.

I left my job for a higher salary but now new firm won’t hire me. Help! – Karren Brady gives her career advice


Karren Brady gives you career advice

Q: I was offered a role at an up-and-coming company for a slightly higher salary than I was receiving at one of the big accountancy firms, so I accepted the offer and handed in my notice.

I negotiated a start date for two weeks after my last day in my old job, so I could begin refreshed and ready to go.

However, the day after I left the accountancy firm, the new company emailed me saying they no longer have the budget to employ me and they were rescinding the job offer.

I’m devastated and so worried about having no income, as I’m having to live off my fast-dwindling savings.


Do you have any advice about where I stand and how I can move forward?

Charlotte, via email

A: Start by reviewing all written communication and your contract from the new company.

Look for clauses or stipulations related to termination or changes in employment, which can help you understand your rights and any company obligations towards you.

Next, draft a professional email to the new company expressing your disappointment and concerns about the sudden change.

Clearly outline the impact this has on you, and ask if they can provide compensation or assistance during this transition period.

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It may help to consult an employment lawyer or Citizen’s Advice, who can offer guidance.

If you left your previous company on good terms, ask if they’d consider rehiring you, either temporarily while you look for a full-time job, or long-term.

Review your finances and create a budget to sustain you for as long as possible.

This situation is undoubtedly stressful, but be resilient – challenging situations can lead to new opportunities.

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