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Joker Killed Bruce Wayne’s Parents- Even Mark Ruffalo Will be Shocked With the Way Michael Keaton Spoiled His Batman Movie For DC Fans

For over a decade, the ever-charming Mark Ruffalo has been the face of this larger-than-life character, Hulk, earning the trust and adoration of comic book aficionados worldwide. With Marvel’s expansive universe, it’s no wonder fans are endlessly seeking extra tidbits like bloopers, behind-the-scenes footage, and juicy interviews from the likes of Kevin Feige.

Joker Killed Bruce Wayne’s Parents- Even Mark Ruffalo Will be Shocked With the Way Michael Keaton Spoiled His Batman Movie For DC Fans
Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson in Batman | Credits: Warner Bros.

But here’s where the plot thickens like a bowl of lumpy oatmeal: Ruffalo seems to ironically hold the title of Marvel’s resident blabbermouth. His penchant for unintentional spoilers has become so legendary that it’s now threaded into the fabric of Marvel lore. But before you think he’s the only one with loose lips, wait until you hear about Michael Keaton’s infamous spoiler blunder regarding his Batman movie.

Michael Keaton’s Hilarious Batman Spoiler Story You Need to Hear

In the late summer of 1989, the world was buzzing like a bee in a bonnet about one thing: the release of Tim Burton’s Batman, with Michael Keaton donning the cape and cowl. This film was the talk of the town—or rather, the entire planet, just a day before its grand theatrical debut.

So the anticipation was sky-high, with fans practically chomping at the bit to see their favorite masked crusader swoop onto the big screen. Keaton was wrapping up his press tour. Everything seemed to be sailing smoothly—until it wasn’t.

During his chat with Keaton, David Letterman innocently inquired about the Joker’s role in the film. And that’s when Keaton, perhaps caught in a moment of too much candor, accidentally let the bat out of the bag. In a slip-up, the actor spilled the beans about a major plot twist (via Cinema Blend).

Bruce Wayne witnesses the murder of his parents when he’s a kid. 

His candid chat with David Letterman revealed a crucial detail that had fans groaning and worrying about the film’s success.
Michael Keaton in Batman | Credits: Warner Bros.

When Letterman followed up, asking if the Joker was behind it, Keaton, not one to mince words, said:

Yeah, but he doesn’t know it ’till later. I’ve kinda blown the plot here.

The film’s biggest twist had been inadvertently broadcasted far and wide, like an unwanted spoiler. It was a slip-up so colossal that it could make even Mark Ruffalo’s own infamous spoilers look tame by comparison. With expectations about as high as a kite, this revelation had fans wringing their hands and wondering if this slip-up might take a bite out of the film’s earnings.

The film still managed to soar high above the fray; it turned out to be a smashing success, both in terms of critical acclaim and financial haul.

How Mark Ruffalo Became Marvel’s Worst Kept Secret Keeper

Mark Ruffalo and Bruce Banner could be long-lost twins separated at birth. Both are brainy, justice-seeking souls with a passion for doing what’s right. But if there’s one thing that sets Ruffalo apart from Banner, it’s his knack for spilling the beans. The actor means well, but in his eagerness to chat about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he often gives away more than a magician showing his tricks.

Mark Ruffalo, despite his intellectual demeanor, has earned the dubious honor of Marvel's top spoiler-spiller.
Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner | Credit: Marvel Studios

Remember when he gave away the ending of Avengers: Infinity War? This wasn’t a tiny spoiler like ‘Red Skull makes a comeback’ or ‘Thor builds a new hammer with a special forge run by Peter Dinklage’. No, Ruffalo actually dropped the spoiler bomb: Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe. 

According to fellow Marvel star Chris Hemsworth, Ruffalo’s secret-keeping skills are about as reliable as a chocolate teapot. The former once threw Ruffalo under the bus, saying (via Esquire):

The amount of times he has potentially derailed these films. But he’s also the person I probably love the most. He’s just one of the kindest people you’ll meet. And so, completely forgivable every time he gives away some plot point. He could get away with murder. Anyone else, it might be highly scrutinized and punished, but he’s beyond forgivable.

So, while Ruffalo might not be adding any ‘Best Secret Keeper’ trophies to his mantel, he may very well be winning hearts with his unintentional revelations. He’s the lovable loose cannon of the Marvel universe, and that’s exactly how fans want him—quirky, candid, and completely endearing.

Batman is currently available to stream on Max.

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