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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mallorca scandal over politicians selling houses to foreigners

Mallorca scandal over politicians selling houses to foreigners

The coordinator of Més, a progressive Mallorcan nationalist party, Lluís Apesteguia, has asked the media to reflect on how they treat the private lives of politicians following the controversy related to his party’s spokesman in the Council of Mallorca, Jaume Alzamora, who has been singled out by certain media outlets for alleged political inconsistency when he sold the house where he lived with his former wife to foreigners.

“If someone benefits from his political activity, obviously he should be totally rejected, just as if he benefits a third party. But if there has been no benefit, no,” Apesteguia argued, regretting that he to had been criticised on social media because his mother had sold a house to a foreigner when she was at a demonstration against overcrowding. “I had nothing to do with the sale and I have made no profit of any kind,” he said.

“I don’t make it a rule to comment on the private lives of politicians because I am just as interested in them as I am in those who are journalists,” the coordinator said when asked about his party colleague. But the problem is that Alzamora he defends limiting the sale of homes to non-residents of the Balearics. However, the buyers of his house, despite being foreigners, are residents, and do not rent it out for tourism, several sources have said.

Furthermore, regarding the fact that Alzamora is building a swimming pool in his new home and that this contradicts the limitation demanded by his party, it must be said that they ask to restrict them in rustic land, and the house of the pro-sovereignty leader is in the centre of a village.   
“Més talks about non-residents, I would never discriminate against anyone based on their nationality; that is what some parties do, which are supported by some media,” said Apesteguia, referring to hard right party Vox and the media that has written about Alzamora.

“A non-resident can be born in Ariany and we ask that their ability to buy a house be limited. Just as if you were born in Germany, the United States or Cameroon you have every right to buy a house if you live here,” insisted Apesteguia.

“I understand that journalism is in crisis, but we should reflect on it,” he said in a mocking tone, referring to how concepts are mixed up, as when he said that “lengthening some news about a mother-in-law of the sister of a militant of Més who has a house for tourist rental, it’s hard, but let’s cheer up”. Comments for which he later apologised in X.

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