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One Star Trek Legend Knows Donald Trump as President Means Death of NASA and Space Travel

The United States of America will soon be met with its 60th quadrennial presidential elections later this year, and the buzz surrounding who could win is as strong as ever. Amidst this, previous statements of Star Trek legend George Takei sharing his take on who could be a better leader for the country have also resurfaced. And his response wasn’t in favor of Donald Trump.

One Star Trek Legend Knows Donald Trump as President Means Death of NASA and Space Travel
Donald Trump in This Past Weekend with Theo Von podcast. | Credits: YouTube.

To say the least, Takei had the most candid confession about having Trump as the next president of the USA as he didn’t hesitate to call him out over his alleged shortcomings. And while these included factors along the themes of equality, growth, and development, the actor cum writer also openly claimed that Trump as prez would mean the death of NASA and space travel.

Star Trek Alum George Takei Blasted Donald Trump as Prez

While Donald Trump may have been trying really hard to win over hearts now that the next presidential elections are right around the corner, it seems like he has critically fallen short of winning the Lt. Sulu portrayer over. This is because Takei didn’t even miss a beat to emphasize why Trump as the next president would be a disaster during an old interview from 2016.

Confiding in Time during the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum’s Star Trek exhibit, Takei came clean about why Trump’s presidency won’t be beneficial, especially for NASA and space travel, saying:

Trump wants to cut ourselves off from the rest of the planet, build walls, ban others of certain faiths. He will not have the vision to go out there [in space].

George Takei in Star Trek: The Original Series. | Credits: NBC.
George Takei in Star Trek: The Original Series. | Credits: NBC.

At the same time, the Mulan actor also talked about how Hilary Clinton, instead, would seemingly rock in the position of the president. He said:

Hilary Clinton has served as Secretary of State, she is a global figure. And certainly, her past indicates that she [unintelligible] looking out globally and out into the galaxy. And so, we will live long and prosper with Hilary Clinton.

Needless to say, the Blue Eye Samurai star’s words made it evident that he is anything but a fan of the former president of the United States of America. That said, Trump’s courageous move earlier this year after the assassination attempt planned for him may have earned him the respect of a few renowned celebs.

George Takei Claimed Donald Trump Has a “Small, nationalistic mind”

During the same interview, George Takei went on to talk about his then-recently closed Broadway musical Allegiance, which encircled the themes of “the imprisonment of innocent American citizens of a certain ancestry, Japanese ancestry, because, during the Second World War, the people that bombed Pearl Harbor happened to look like us.”

While talking about it, he emphasized how he felt Trump shared a similar mindset that had the innocent people “swept by hysteria and imprisoned, en masse.” The reason behind this was Trump’s “statement about banning Muslims, which led to Takei thinking “he needed to learn from a chapter of American history that we were dramatizing on the Broadway stage.”

George Takei. | Credits: Super Festivals from Ft. Lauderdale, USA/CCA-2.0/Wikimedia Commons.
George Takei. | Credits: Super Festivals from Ft. Lauderdale, USA/CCA-2.0/Wikimedia Commons.

That said, he sent out an invite – “I made that invitation personally as well as publicly, on talk shows as well as on social media” – to Trump to come to his musical as his guest. That’s not all; they even “saved a seat for him with a big sign saying, This Seat Reserved for Mr. Donald Trump.”

Takei further explained: “He could learn from our past. And that’s why – and he really doesn’t know our past. And that’s why I don’t see him seeing the future. He’s a very small, nationalistic mind.”

To put it in a nutshell, George Takei made it clear that he strongly disapproved of Donald Trump as a potential president, citing his alleged lack of vision for space exploration and his nationalistic mindset.

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