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Players Will Want to Avoid 1 Area in STALKER 2 Like the Plague after Game Boss Warns “You don’t know what’s inside”

As the release of STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl is coming very close (November 20th), players’ anticipation for the title is increasing very rapidly. From the information players know, the game will feature a huge open-world area that is devastated by nuclear disasters. One of the standout features will be its seamless travel between its 20 regions (no loading screen).

Players Will Want to Avoid 1 Area in STALKER 2 Like the Plague after Game Boss Warns “You don’t know what’s inside”
Players are super excited to get their hands on the game on November 20th. | Image Credit: GSC Game World

The game is set to be an Xbox-exclusive title and follows 2009’s STALKER: Call of Pripyat, promising to bring back the dystopian and treacherous world of the Zone. Based on the information given by Evgeniy Kulik at Gamescom, players can expect the game to provide horrifying yet immersive underground areas as well.

What to Expect in STALKER 2 After Evgeniy Kulik’s Warning?

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl is going to continue the series’ tradition of taking players into a hostile and unpredictable environment. The game features a vast open-world area that has no loading screens and is developed on the latest Unreal Engine 5 (UE5). As players progress in the game traveling through different regions, the zone’s influence will increase as well.

In an interview, Technical Producer Evgeniy Kulik explained various details about the game. One of the most exciting details he shared was the size of the map, 64 square kilometers that will be divided into 20 distinct regions. Not only will this allow players to experience varied environments, but it will also allow the developers to create secret hidden areas as well.

When asked about what the most dangerous area to explore would be, Kulik explained that among the regions and many threats, players will encounter, the most standout area would be the underground laboratories due to its very unpredictable and intimidating nature. His exact words were:

Just from my perspective, the most dangerous places are these underground laboratories, because you don’t know what’s inside until you face it, in the most terrifying way.

If these words are any indications then these underground labs are not only going to be challenging but also shrouded in mystery, making them potentially the most scary places in the game.

How Player Choices will Impact the Game’s Narrative

Players will have full freedom to choose their ending. | Image Credit: GSC Game World

STALKER 2 is going to allow players a lot of freedom in choosing their end of the journey. As there are various factions in the game, players have the freedom to join any one of them, leading to a different ending.

From what we know about the game, it offers players a high degree of control, where every decision impacts the story and leads to multiple possible endings. This strategic design provides players with a strong sense of control over their journey. Just like Kulik said:

You should experience yourself, but still there will be a lot of types of endings, and they are dependent on your actions, on your choices; Each step you take, each decision you make, you are totally responsible for that.

As players walk through the different regions they will understand that the world of STALKER 2 is not just about surviving the dangerous situations but about discovering the complex nature of the choices.

In the end, as the release date (November 20th) is approaching fast, players need to prepare themselves for the very unique experience the game is going to provide. Whether they are fighting the anomalies on the surface or challenging the unknown in the underground labs, the journey is going to be an intense experience.

Are you ready to tackle all the anomalies in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl? Tell us in the comment section below.

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