23.3 C
New York
Friday, September 20, 2024

Readers speak: Perhaps UConn should offer students a course in ‘adulting’

Readers speak: Perhaps UConn should offer students a course in ‘adulting’

I read with interest the story in the Sept. 17 Courant. “Pro Palestinian students seek

Perhaps UConn should offer its students a course in ‘adulting’ and include topics on the connection between a person’s behavior and the consequences that flow from  behavior. Apparently the protestors past and present missed the connection.

Included should be the idea that one should weigh the behavior against the known consequences, before engaging in the behavior; i.e., that illegal protests subject you to arrest and prosecution. And if convicted, the conviction will follow you in future endeavors such as job and graduate school applications.

Amnesty should neither be expected or considered, as it sends the wrong message. Amnesty condones past bad behavior and encourages future bad behavior if the consequences of actions can be escaped.

Speaking of protests, maybe the good citizens of Connecticut should protest that their tax money is going to support UConn, if the students are more interested in protesting than getting an education.

Anthony Santacroce, Burlington

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