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Sean Penn Didn’t Mince Words About His Frustration in a Brad Pitt Starrer That is Considered One of the Best Movies Ever Made

When it comes to Sean Penn, all is fair in lights, camera, and action. But surprisingly, the luminary known for his commanding presence and intricate performances, had certain issues when it came to Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life. Although the Brad Pitt starrer garnered ecstatic reviews, Penn was left confused and disappointed with his role. 

Sean Penn Didn’t Mince Words About His Frustration in a Brad Pitt Starrer That is Considered One of the Best Movies Ever Made
Sean Penn in The Tree of Life | image: Cottonwood Pictures

As Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life marked a departure from the familiar stage where Sean Penn thrives, the actor found himself struggling to match his need for a defined narrative with the film’s enigmatic vision. Therefore, the juxtaposition of Penn’s own creative ego with the daring nature of Malick’s cinematic experiment led the actor to openly share his frustration with the project. 

Sean Penn Voiced His Discontent with Brad Pitt’s The Tree of Life

Sean Penn’s illustrious career has been a tapestry of intense performances and commanding screen presence, spanning through a few of the most highly appreciated projects. While the actor is known for his captivating portrayals and occasional brilliance, it’s nothing new that Penn has often chosen projects where the spotlight stays firmly on him.

Unfortunately, this particular habit of profound self-regard led him towards a path of sheer dissatisfaction, following his appearance in Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life. As the critically acclaimed movie starring Brad Pitt, marked a significant departure from Penn’s typical fare, the actor found it difficult to navigate through Malick’s artistic vision while simultaneously satisfying his creative ego. 

Sean Penn in The Tree of Life | image: Cottonwood Pictures
Penn in a still from The Tree of Life | image: Cottonwood Pictures

Speaking to Le Figaro, Sean Penn himself being an award-winning director, spoke harshly of The Tree of Life’s offbeat structure and admitted that he was unsure why he had been asked to join the cast. In the film, while Brad Pitt stole the spotlight, Penn’s role was enigmatic and minimalistic. His character, a vague figure without a clear narrative arc, was brought to the screen to complement the film’s broader existential themes.

Brad Pitt in The Tree of Life | image: Cottonwood Pictures
Brad Pitt in The Tree of Life | image: Cottonwood Pictures

I didn’t at all find on the screen the emotion of the script, which is the most magnificent one that I’ve ever read. A clearer and more conventional narrative would have helped the film without, in my opinion, lessening its beauty and its impact. Frankly, I’m still trying to figure out what I’m doing there and what I was supposed to add in that context! What’s more, Terry himself never managed to explain it to me clearly.

This departure from the conventional storytelling that Sean Penn thrives on, left him grappling with a sense of obsoleteness in a film that he struggled to see himself in. Therefore, during the interview, Penn voiced his discontent with striking candor. 

Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life Garnered Critical Acclaim

Sean Penn’s candid reflection thus exposed the collision of two artistic worlds—the actor’s focus on a defined, performance-driven narrative versus Terrence Malick’s ambitious, abstract storytelling. However, despite Penn’s dissatisfaction with Brad Pitt’s movie, The Tree of Life became renowned for its poetic grandeur and philosophical depth. The film further received critical acclaim and even got celebrated as one of the best films ever made.

Made with a $35M production budget, although The Tree of Life managed to earn back 1.8 times its budget—$61M at the global box office (via The Numbers), the film’s allure and Terrence Malick’s vision is what drove it to become a masterpiece. So much so that the movie even carried off the Palme D’Or at Cannes, following its release. Therefore, while Sean Penn felt his role was obsolete, Malick’s vision focused on existence and beauty, turning the film into a cinematic marvel. 

A still from Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life
A still from Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life | image: Cottonwood Pictures

In the end, while Sean Penn might consider his role in The Tree of Life as an anomaly, the film’s awe-inspiring visuals suggesting the birth and expansion of the universe and the appearance of life on a microscopic level, got lauded by critics. Praised for its unique and bold style that works well in creating a haunting and emotional visual treat, Terrence Malick’s movie garnered 85% on Rotten Tomatoes.

The Tree of Life is currently available to watch on Prime Video. 

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