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Friday, September 20, 2024

Shiloh Fernandez Talks CONTINUE, EVIL DEAD, and Connection (INTERVIEW)

After starring in Red Riding Hood and Evil Dead, Shiloh Fernandez has continued to work in the indie-film world. He jumped to TV for a pair of episodes on Euphoria, Netflix’s Gypsy, and even a Tremors movie. He joined the cast of Continue from director Nadine Crocker, which made its initial debut in 2022. Continue makes its way into theaters on September 6th, and will also be available via digital platforms.

Fernandez and Crocker spoke before he agreed to take on the role.

Shiloh Fernandez Talks CONTINUE, EVIL DEAD, and Connection (INTERVIEW)

Early on, Crocker knew that Fernandez was a fit. “She sent an offer to my team early. You know what was really special about this particular offer, was not only the incredible script but she wrote me a personal letter.” The note contained more intricate details about Crocker’s connection to the work, and caused them to meet in person. “We had this long conversation, talking about why she was making this movie, how I related to it, and what she wanted for this movie.” It’s not a common practice in Hollywood to have that opportunity, but as Fernandez notes “It was a really special experience.”  

Beyond their personal connections, Fernandez found the screenplay intriguing. He explains, “I’m a huge fan of drama films, and this one was right up my alley. The deep, sometimes dark subject matter.” When film can add that depth, it’s a huge win for Fernandez. “They can sort of be entertaining on one level, and then start a much bigger conversation on another.” For a movie like Continue, which seeks to understand a woman with depression and tendencies to self-harm, these aspects are essential. “Somebody watches it and have gone through some mental health struggles themselves and can see something more.”

Fernandez was interested in the ways he related to the story in Continue.

Shiloh Fernandez stars in Continue

The found-family element also piqued Fernandez’s interest. “I like the idea that there are people who stick with each other. It’s really hard to do that.” He also believes this can be a trap for some. “I think if someone is struggling and I don’t reach out, it sort of snowballs. I might feel, ‘Oh now I can’t because I did not then.’ At least my character sticks to Nadine’s character through thick and thin.”

This also requires Fernandez to put himself into the role. “Those are my favorite things to do,” he explains. “Acting, in some ways, uses your life experience to reflect something back to the audience, to see themselves in a new way or to see their life anew. When I spoke with Nadine, there was a lot of talk about how I related to Continue, and how my own life has coincided with my character.” The process of putting that much of yourself into a role is not easy. “That was sort of the biggest gift of all, in terms of these incredible scenes. There was a partner there who was going through the same thing.”

The cast of Continue believed in the Crocker’s vision.

Shiloh Fernandez stars in Continue

The chemistry in the ensemble creates a palpable energy throughout Continue. Crocker and Fernandez are excellent when they share the screen. It was also present behind the cameras. “Everybody believed in Nadine. They got behind her, and there was so much camaraderie. That sort of family feeling created a set where you were not left going home with a sort of dark, deep feeling. We were able to laugh once we cut. I love this idea that when we meet each other, there’s sort of that initial spark. I think that was really what Nadine wanted, and we were really comfortable with each other.”

Continue navigates tone well, ensuring it does not stay one-note over its runtime. “I’m glad we had some levity, with Kat and Lio. Without those moments, the movie might be a little too dark.” We talk about a big fight scene in the film’s second act, when Crocker and Fernandez’s characters fight. “Luckily, it was not the first day of shooting so that we could understand our characters by that time.” When it came time for the fight, they were ready. “She had been thinking about it for so long, she really had something in mind. To show up for her in that scene and react in an honest way was great.”

The scene quickly escalates, as they begin to surpass verbal fights. “You have broken bottles, you’re getting slaps and stuff.” After two takes they called it a day. “Hopefully you get to have a little bit more truth in those takes. I did not have to force anything, I’m really just reacting to her incredible performance.” It was also an unusual day on set, because Fernandez had a visitor. “My little brother was in high school when we shot Continue, and he’d never come to set before.” Fernandez laughs. “I had to tell him, this is not normal, this is a little bit more intense than most days.”

Evil Dead and Continue are more alike than you’d think.

Shiloh Fernandez stars in Continue

We also discussed his former director Fede Alvarez for Evil Dead. Like 2013 film, Continue features intense fights between loved ones, ending in scary sequences. “They were somewhat similar,” Fernandez points out. “We’re making movies about family and their struggles. Ultimately, the things I’m drawn to are the real life sort of struggles that everyone can relate to on some level.” He also lavishes praise on Crocker. “Nadine is such a powerhouse. I know she is going to be one of our foremost directors. To get the chance to do the first film with her, I feel really honored.”

Continue finds its way into theaters, and Fernandez believes it’s something special. “Movies like Continue are harder to get funding for and harder to make. The fact that this is coming out is such a blessing.” He also hopes it begins important conversations. “The conversation will happen beyond the entertainment level, and the conversations with people who leave this film get to continue. I think we’ve all sort of dealt with things that affect their mental health. I just hope that people are able to see themselves or see somebody they love and open a conversation.”

Continue opening in theaters, in digital, and on-demand on September 6, 2024.

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