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Thursday, September 19, 2024

The pine processionary caterpillar is advancing further and further north: will it soon settle here too?

The pine processionary caterpillar is advancing further and further north: will it soon settle here too?

Although it has become less common in recent years, it is important to watch out for the oak processionary caterpillar and its nests every summer. The insect’s annoying stinging hairs cause itching and irritation. Unfortunately, it is not the only caterpillar with stinging hairs, because its southern cousin, the pine processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), is also full of them. And that caterpillar is on the march northwards due to climate change. Its next stop: Belgium. Biologist Wietse Chanet explains everything you need to know about this possible new invasive exotic.

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