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The Ultimate Guide to Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Classes: Abilities, Weapons and More

The enemies in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 are dangerous beings and while it is difficult to take them down, the various Space Marine 2 classes do the job. There are six different classes in the game and have different weapons and abilities.

These classes can be used in both Operations and PvP and are also customizable, allowing you to create unique loadouts for all enemies and situations. This guide will detail all you need to know about the six classes so you can choose the best one for your playstyle.

All Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Classes

After the co-op is unlocked in Space Marine 2, players can use all six classes in the game in both PvE mode Operations and PvP mode Eternal War. The six classes are Assault, Vanguard, Tactical, Sniper, Bulwark, and Heavy.

While these classes have many weapons and abilities, the options are not as much as there are for Titus. Players can customize the characters and create different loadouts that will cover them in different situations.

These classes also have a perk tree in the Operations mode that can be unlocked using Requisitions to help improve the abilities. Here’s a breakdown of all the six classes for players to know how they work.

Space Marine 2 Assault Class

The Ultimate Guide to Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Classes: Abilities, Weapons and More
The assault class is perfect for aerial dominance. Image via Saber Interactive

The Assault class is best suited for aerial combat as they get a Jump Pack, allowing them to go into the air, slam enemies into the ground, and dodge easily. This class is melee-focused and does not have a primary weapon but the Jump pack makes up for it.

The secondary weapons of the Assault class are Bolt Pistol and Heavy Bolt Pistol. Some of the melee weapons are Thunder Hammer, Chainsword, and Power Fist. The Jump pack ability allows them to fire while in the air and has 3 Armor bars.

Space Marine 2 Vanguard Class

Space Marine 2 vanguard class
This class has specialized weapons. Image via Saber Interactive

The Vanguard class has specialized weapons and is perfect for close-quarters combat. The ability of the class is the Grapnel Launcher which lets players shoot at an enemy and zip towards it, going close up and shooting them.

The primary weapons for the class are the Instigator Bolt Carbine, Occulus Bolt Carbine, and Melta Rifle while the secondary weapon is the Bolt pistol. The armor class is reduced with 2 Armor bars and the melee weapons are Combat Knife and Chainsword.

Space Marine 2 Tactical Class

Space Marine 2 tactical class
Tactical class is an expert at ranged combat. Image via Saber Interactive

The Tactical class is one of the best classes in the game with the exciting combat ability of a Space Marine. Players have several ranged weapons to go head-to-head against the most difficult-to-beat enemies. The class can carry several primary weapons.

It can also use Auspex Scan ability to highlight enemies, making them more vulnerable to damage. The primary weapons that the class can wield are Auto Bolt Rifle, Bolt Rifle, Heavy Bolt Rifle, Bolt Carbine, Plasma Incinerator, Stalker Bolt Rifle, and Melta Rifle.

The secondary weapon is the Bolt Pistol and Chainsword is the melee weapon of the class. The Armor class for the Tactical class is the same as the Assault class with three Armor bars.

Space Marine 2 Sniper Class

Space Marine 2 sniper class
The Sniper class is a master at long-ranged combat. Image via Saber Interactive

As the name suggests, the Sniper class excels at long-ranged combat. Players can use long-range weapons and take down enemies from a distance before they can even try to understand what hit them. The class has reduced armor with 2 Armor bars.

The primary weapons are the Stalker Bolt Rifle, Bolt Sniper Rifle, Bolt Carbine, and Las Fusil while the secondary weapon of the class is the Bolt Pistol. Players can use a combat knife as the melee weapon.

The ability of the Sniper class is the Camo Cloak which lets players go invisible and remain like that until they attack the enemy. However, it is advised to use the ability on isolated enemies and not when an enemy horde is nearby.

Space Marine 2 Bulwark Class

Space Marine 2 bulwark class
Bulwark is a defensive class. Image via Saber Interactive

The Bulwark class is a defensive class in the game and is probably one of the most picked classes. Players carry a Storm shield that can take a lot of damage and also bash enemies, alongside the Gravis armor for more protection.

The secondary weapons are the Bolt Pistol and Plasma Pistol and the melee weapons of the class are Chainsword, Power Fist, and Power Sword. The Chapter Banner ability provides a temporary banner that restores the armor of any squad members in the area. The armor class of Bulwark class is 3 Armor bars.

Space Marine 2 Heavy Class

Space Marine 2 heavy class
The Heavy class uses the primary weapon as the melee weapon. Image via Saber Interactive

The Heavy class is the heavy-weapons expert and is one of the best supporting classes in the game. The class can carry several heavy weapons such as Multi-Melta. The other primary weapons of the class are Heavy Bolter and Heavy Plasma Incinerator which can also be used as melee weapons.

The secondary weapons are Bolt Pistol and Plasma Pistol, and it has three armor bars. The ability of the class is Iron Halo which places a protective barrier, surrounding players, blocking enemy projectiles, and can also be deactivated early for a shorter cooldown.

Did you find this Space Marine 2 class guide useful? Which is your favorite class in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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