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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

US commemorates 9/11 attacks with victims in focus and politics in view – Hartford Courant


NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. has remembered the lives taken and those reshaped by 9/11, marking an anniversary laced with presidential campaign politics as President Joe Biden, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris stood together Wednesday at ground zero.

Sept. 11 — the date when hijacked plane attacks killed nearly 3,000 people in 2001 — falls in the thick of the presidential election season every four years, and it comes at an especially pointed moment this time. The anniversary ceremony at the World Trade Center brought Harris and Trump, the Democratic and Republican nominees, face-to-face just hours after their first-ever debate Tuesday night.

Trump and running mate Sen. JD Vance arrived at the trade center site around 8 a.m., and Harris with Biden about a half-hour later. Cheers of “Donald!” and “Kamala!” sprang from some in the audience.

US commemorates 9/11 attacks with victims in focus and politics in view – Hartford Courant
From left, Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump and Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, attend the 9/11 Memorial ceremony on the 23rd anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Biden and Trump shook hands, and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared to facilitate a handshake between Harris and Trump. Then the presidential rivals stood only a few feet apart, with Biden and Bloomberg between them, as the observance began with the tolling of a bell and a moment of silence.

Politics wasn’t top-of-mind for victims’ relatives such as Cathy Naughton, who came to honor her cousin Michael Roberts, one of hundreds of firefighters killed.

Twenty-three years later, “it’s just so raw,” she said. “We want to make sure people remember always, and say the names always and never forget.”

“Every year, it just doesn’t get easier,” she added.

Regardless of campaign calendars, organizers of anniversary ceremonies have long taken pains to try to keep the focus on victims. For years, politicians have been only observers at ground zero observances, the microphones going instead to relatives who read victims’ names aloud.

If politicians “care about what’s actually going on, great. Be here,” Korryn Bishop said as she arrived at the ceremony. She lost her cousin John F. McDowell Jr.

“If they’re just here for political clout, that upsets me,” she added.

Biden, on the last Sept. 11 of his term and likely his half-century political career, was headed with Harris later to ceremonies in Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon, the other two sites where commercial jets crashed after al-Qaida operatives took them over on Sept. 11, 2001. Trump also was due at the Flight 93 National Memorial near rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where one of the planes crashed after crew members and passengers tried to wrest control from the hijackers.

The attacks by 19 men — most of them Saudi Arabian — killed 2,977 people and left thousands of bereaved relatives and scarred survivors. The planes carved a gash in the Pentagon, the U.S. military headquarters, where an American flag was unfurled at dawn Wednesday in tribute. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that while it may seem that many Americans don’t observe 9/11 anniversaries anymore, “the men and women of the Department of Defense remember.”

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