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Why Did Joe West Not Get the Same Treatment as Quentin Lance For Working With Grant Gustin’s Flash?

Officers of the judicial system with a soft spot for our favorite superheroes will always hold a special place in our hearts. Two names that fall into this category are The Flash’s Joe West and Arrow’s Quentin Lance. Both officers stuck their necks out for Barry Allen (The Flash) and Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), two vigilantes in the Arrowverse, and helped them in their quests to bring justice to the world.

Why Did Joe West Not Get the Same Treatment as Quentin Lance For Working With Grant Gustin’s Flash?
Jesse L. Martin as Joe West in The Flash | Credits: The CW

Unfortunately, getting tangled up in the twisted and morally grey world of vigilantes did not work out the same way for both characters. While Joe West was let off the hook, Quentin Lance faced a harsh punishment – a demotion despite having climbed the ranks to become the Captain of the Star City Police Department. Why the discrimination? Well, the answer is pretty simple, actually.

Working with the Green Arrow Cost Quentin Lance his Badge

Quentin Lance in Arrow
Paul Blackthorne as Quentin Lance in Arrow | Credits: The CW

Arrow’s Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) despised Green Arrow, aka Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell). Deeming him ‘The Hood’, the detective had sworn to take him down by all means necessary. Over time, though, his animosity towards the vigilante was brought to an end when he discovered that his daughter Sara, who had apparently died, was alive and involved in his world.

He eventually joined Oliver’s side which did not fare well for his career in the Star City Police Department. After all, an officer of the system going out of his way to help an outlaw and keep him out of jail was something that was not going to sit well with the law.

After Oliver confided in Quentin about Malcolm Merlyn’s aim to destroy the Glades, the detective had no choice but to come clean to his superiors about The Undertaking. This meant that he was going to have to confess his relationship with the Green Arrow, putting his career in jeopardy.

Instead of acting on Quentin’s tip and mobilizing the forces, Lieutenant Frank Pile took no action and ended up suspending the detective for his involvement with Oliver. Thus, Quentin was demoted in the SCPD.

A still from The Flash - grant gustin and jesse l. martin
Grant Gustin (The Flash) and Jesse L. Martin in The Flash | Credits: The CW

On the other hand, Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) from The Flash didn’t face the wrath of the law for helping his adopted son, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). He became his strongest ally and was one of the first people to find out his secret identity.

Despite being in the Central City Police Department, Joe was always there to support Barry’s heroics, no matter what it took. At the end of the day, he was more than just an ally to The Flash; he was a father figure. We can’t forget when Barry said,

You’re right, you’re not [my father]. You’re just the man who kept me fed and in clothes, who sat beside my bed at night until I fell asleep because I was afraid of the dark, helped me with my homework. You taught me how to drive, and shave… and you dropped me off at college. Sounds a lot like a dad to me.

Be right back, gotta grab a tissue or two.

Why Did Quentin Lose His Job but Not Joe?

Paul Blackthorne and Stephen Amell (Green Arrow) in Arrow
Paul Blackthorne and Stephen Amell (Green Arrow) in Arrow | Credits: The CW

Both Quentin and Joe had similar actions in their respective shows, but the outcomes were vastly different. While the former was demoted in his profession, the other got to keep his badge. Why?

Well, when you look at the way the two cities see the vigilantes, you’ll realize why. Barry sure was a vigilante but the Central City regarded him as the public’s hero. He had a positive image and worked to keep the city safe with his non-lethal methods.

Thus, the police department may have raised a question about his relationship with Joe, but since the speedster didn’t break too many protocols and cross the legal boundaries too much, his collaboration with his guardian didn’t cause the CCPD much concern.

On the other hand, Green Arrow’s methods were more questionable. The residents of Star City weren’t big fans of his lethal methods, as his attempts to fight injustice often blurred the lines between heroism and vigilantism. All in all, he was perceived as a criminal. Therefore, Quentin’s involvement with Oliver did not sit right with the police department, which caused his career to suffer immensely.

Here’s what fans on Reddit think:

It all comes down to the image of both Barry and Oliver and just how much they are willing to push the limits.

The Flash and Arrow are available to watch on Netflix.

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