The Plenary approved the budget of the Digital Security Authority Liberal


With 32 votes in favor, the Plenary approved the budget of the Digital Security Authority (DSA) for 2024.

The budget is in deficit and foresees total expenditures of €14,189,376 and revenues of €12,554,396.

The projected deficit of €1,634,980 is justified, as it is due to prepaid projects for the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that started in previous years and extend into the current year amounting to €291,875, the execution of co-financed projects planned for 2023, but will finally be carried out in the current year, for which fees of €525,000 had been collected in advance, as well as costs that will be covered by the Authority’s reserve within the framework of the refund of fees through adjustment of €828,095.

According to data submitted to the Finance Committee, APSA’s revenues will come from administrative fees from critical infrastructure management bodies (€9,412,243), from European co-financed programs (€3,112,153) and from interest receivable (€30,000).

According to the same data, the total projected costs are reduced by €41,381 compared to the corresponding costs for the year 2023 and mainly concern staff salaries (€1,221,836), operational costs (€997,960), maintenance and repairs (1,431. 136), staff training/Conferences/Seminars and other events (€945,010)., consulting services/Research/Transfers (€4,636,302), foreign transfers/International organizations (€35,000), purchase of equipment (€3,427,279).

The mission of the APSA is to promote the achievement of a level of security of networks and information systems, including all critical infrastructure of basic services of the Republic and digital service providers based in the Republic.

The MP of the Environmentalists-Citizens Cooperation in a statement to the plenary said that the work of APSA is very important and government departments must pay attention. He also referred to “bad practices” and at some point, as he said, “we will get into a bad mess.”

Mr. Theopeptou said that cyber-attacks are very easy and government agencies must be very careful. He also said that the matter will be discussed in the Audit Committee as various things are not taken into account when awarding tenders for the software.

An amendment submitted by AKEL was rejected.


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