Beyond Expectations Barber Shop adds beauty school in Youngstown, Ohio

Beyond Expectations Barber Shop adds beauty school in Youngstown, Ohio
Beyond Expectations Barber Shop adds beauty school in Youngstown, Ohio

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – The Beyond Expectations Barber Shop in Youngstown just introduced its newest expansion.

The barber shop has officially added a beauty school. The addition will provide cosmetology education, which includes services like manicures and facials.

Owner Eric Garrett says the school gives students opportunities who otherwise may not have been able to access the education.

“So often, young kids don’t have the opportunity to go out and own their own business or don’t have the skills or the know-how. We provided that. That’s part of our curriculum,” Garrett said.

Starting this summer, the Beauty School will start taking new clients. Just like they do over at the barber shop, they’ll provide similar discounted services.

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